I was playing as the chinese Player #2
he was the vikings Player #1
he has 8.9 MILLION! gold...
and 8.9 MILLION PW's...

I'm guessing the most you can start with is 9,999,999 of each... I've never tried to cheat this before, never had a reason to...

btw... it was re-synching about 9 out of every 10 turns
this is the 4th savegame of him and I with such 10million starting funds....
The first game we played where I learned this (never really specualted before)...
was when I took 2 of his cities and EACH one gave me 500k pw and gold...

when you conquer a city it takes the number of cities and divides the gold and pw and gives it to the conquering player along with the city... for each consecutive city... and vice versa...
think about it..
good enough proof for you guys?
and I have one question because the BOY will not EVER grow up and play w/o cheating... How can I as a client, prevent him from cheating in this game? is there a way?
or even as a HOST how can I?
I enjoy playing games with this guy... but he's had a habit of cheating and I'd like to FORCE him to stop cheating.. so we can play a legit game... its quite irritating....
the only other options I see myself having are cheating ALONG with him... urgh...
