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Apolyton Hall of Fame: September 2004

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  • Apolyton Hall of Fame: September 2004

    Hello and welcome to another edition of the Apolyton Hall of Fame!

    What is it?
    The Apolyton Hall of Fame (HoF) is a list of people who contributed a lot to the community here on Apolyton. For example: Xin Yu was inducted in the HoF for his incredible strategy and MP contributions to the Civ2 section, yin26 for his fantastic work on 'The List' with suggestions for Civ3. Every member of the Hall of Fame has made great contributions to Apolyton and the Civilization community - these people and their accomplishments must be remembered by us all!

    If you don't recognize many names you probably haven't been here very long and/or hardly ever post outside this forum - in that case this HoF might be a good opportunity to learn something about them. That is why this Hall of Fame was created: to remember and learn.

    Periodically, we hold a vote for the Apolytoners who we think contribute the most to Apolyton, the ones who make Apolyton what it is. The winners shall be inducted in the Hall of Fame and their names will live forever in the annals of APOLYTON!

    The idea for the Hall of Fame was born in late 2000 as an outgrowth of the old Apolyton Army and Apolytoner of the Season Contests, seeking to honor the people of Apolyton in a more meaningful and structured way.

    The first edition was held in the Off Topic in December 2000 over a period of 3 days and is currently archived. The first election saw Markos and Dan, the owners and administrators of this site, and the first 10 posters inducted.

    Since then, the HoF vote has been held roughly 4 times a year with 11-14 total members being elected every year. Up until August 2002, the vote was held only in the Off Topic forum - from that time on it has been posted in other sections (first in Civ3, later also in SMAC, CtP1-MP, CtP2, etc).

    Special Thanks/Why we do certain things:
    Ming for archiving the first thread and helping manage the thread in its early days.
    As per suggestion by MOBIUS, the last vote's are carried onto the next votes.
    As per suggestion by Solver, all previous votes are carried onto the next votes.
    As per suggestion by Martin Guhman, December votes are extended till 6 days.
    As per suggestion by Locutus, introduction revised.

    This edition
    Welcome to the September 2004 edition of the APOLYTON HALL OF FAME

    (3 Members to be inducted this session)
    (Only 10 total will be elected this year)
    You have approximately 16 days to vote [Until the 26th/27th).

    Please vote today and elect some of your brethren to join the historic Hall; consisting of such hallowed names as Adam Smith, DanQ, MarkG, Giant Squid, St Leo, Ming, Snapcase, oedo, rah and more.

    So now is your chance to decide: who should be inducted in the HoF this time?

    Table of Contents
    I Introduction Post
    1) What is it
    2) History
    3) This Edition
    4) Table of Contents
    5) Notice

    II Rules Post
    1) Rules for voting
    2) Amendments
    a) Purgings
    b) Posthumous Inductions
    3) FAQ

    III Hall Posting
    1) Hall of Fame Members
    2) Alphabetical member list
    3) Chronological member list (by date of induction)
    4) Chronological member list (by registration date)
    5) Information about the Hall of Famers

    IV Current Voting
    1) Current Standings
    2) Who voted for Whom

    1) Rules for voting

    Everyone can vote for 3 posters

    Registered In/Before 1999- 4 points per vote
    Registered In 2000- 3 points per vote
    Registered In 2001- 3 point per vote
    Registered In 2002- 2 points per vote
    Registered In 2003- 2 point per vote
    Registered In 2004- 1 point per vote

    -You may not vote for yourself.
    -All ¡¥frivolous¡¦ votes are thrown out.
    -Giving your vote to someone merely because they ask is considered a frivolous vote.

    No vote changing once you have voted for someone; unless you accidentally voted for someone already in the hall.

    You may only vote once in the hall of fame (for 3 people) IF you try to vote more than once ALL of your votes will be made void.

    Time Limit for voting is: 20 Days for this time.

    2) Amendments

    a) Purgings

    Members will be purged from the voting rolls if they received 0 new votes in the month of election. This allows the hall to keep up-to-date, and keeps it from having to reset completely every month. Thus, the hall worthy posters will continue to gather votes day in and day out because their contributions to Apolyton are timeless.

    b) Posthumous Inductions

    In the regrettable case where a popular member has perished, the Hall of Fame has the ability to posthumously induct him/her into the hall based upon popular opinion. The first class of posthumous inductees (December 2003) included such forum greats as Tazidude, Scouse Gits(2), and faded glory.

    3) FAQ:

    Trust me, an on-topicer will never win ¡§

    What about Xin Yu? What about Velociryx? Both good posters who are currently in the hall!
    And if you think that being interviewed by Solver is a prerequisite for an on-topicer getting into the hall- remember Paul!

    And remember, many of these ¡¥mostly-OT posters¡¦ used to be huge on-topic posters back around 1998-99! Ming for example, Giant Squid for another!


    The Hall of Fame is based on whoever people vote for, and as Lazarus and the Gimp stated so eloquently: ¡§"The compilers of this list cannot rule out the possibility of inductees being a bunch of utter ****s" Thus. Please. Don¡¦t shoot the messenger.

    Where is the Hall of Fame usually posted?

    From December 2000 to August 2002, the Hall of Fame had only been posted in the Off Topic forums; with occasional forays into the Apolyton/Community section. However, nowadays you can find the Apolyton Hall of Fame in the OT (main) Civ III (main) and with satellite threads that link into the hall of fame in the following sections: CTP II MP, AC-General, Alt.Civ section-„³Clash of Civilizations (b/c it has 2nd most posts in alt.civ), Civ III DemoGame sections.

    Also, the Hall of Fame is currently lobbying to become a news item.

    ¡¨How long is voting?¡¨

    Voting will continue for roughly 7 days.

    In December; voting will be 12 days unless the corollary act is enacted and voting is done during Christmas time; in that case voting will be extended to 17 days in order to accommodate all traveling voters)

    Why Do People who received no votes last time expire ?

    Their votes expire and they are zeroed and kicked off the list because they were not found to be interesting at the time of the last vote or two. This is done so as to keep the hall clear¡K

    This new process certainly keeps the hall current (a la Major League Baseball¡¦s Hall of Fame)

    I was recommended not to carry over votes at all, but will continue that tradition, at least for this election because of the idea that we don¡¦t just want ¡§flavor of the month¡¨ posters elected. We want people who have contributed over a long period of time.

    For a list of members see :

    NOTE: You may vote here, but the full voting results will only be published in the following thread:
    Have a good time!
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

  • #2
    1) Current Standings (The Previous Votes’ add-ins are in brackets) a
    These are all the people who made the last List, but were not elected.
    (136 posters going into the election)

    1. alexman (48)
    2. Solo- (42)
    3. Spiffor- (39)
    4. El Awrence- (36) 3---39

    DarkCloud- (30)
    Kramsib- (30)
    WesW- (30)
    Googlie- (27) 3---30

    Fez/Giancarlo- (29)

    Samson- (26)

    Theseus- (25)
    Zeus_of_Olimpos- (25)
    Paddy the Scot- (25)

    The Slayer- (24)

    berzerker- (23)

    Immortal Wombat- (21)

    Master Zen- (20)
    Togas- (20)

    Dominae- (19)
    Harlan- (19)
    OzzyKP- (19)
    Ted Striker- (19)

    Yaroslav- (18)
    loinburger- (18)

    Skanky Burns-(17)

    korn469- ---- (16)
    Jasev- (16)
    MrWhereItsAt- (16)
    Jamski- (16)
    Chilean President-( 16)

    Catt- (15)

    Dr Strangelove- (14)
    UberKrux- (14)
    Wittlich- (14)
    Tiamat- (14)

    Shi Huangdi- (13)
    Solver- (13)
    La Fayette- (13)

    Azazel (Dalgetti)- (12)
    Arrian (12)
    Sava- (12)

    Sagacious Dolphin/Big Crunch- (11)
    Sikander- (11)
    MrFun- (11)
    EyesOfNight- (11)
    Lefty Scaevola- (11)

    MLeonard- -----(10)
    Alinestra Covelia (10)
    ChrisiusMaximus- (10)
    Pekka- (10)
    Kassiopeia- (10)
    vondrack- (10)
    Comrade Tassadar- (10)

    MariOne- (9)
    Urban Ranger- (6) 3---9

    cavebear- (8)
    deity- (8)
    Frustrated Poet- (8)
    SKILORD- (8)
    Arnelos- (8)
    Tau Ceti- (8)

    Venom- (7)
    Ogie Oglethorpe- (7)
    David Floyd- (7)
    PLATO- (7)
    Dr Spike- (7)
    E_T- (7)
    vovan- (7)
    Jon Miller- (7)

    Hexagonian- (6)
    Mr. Ogre- (6)
    Sn00py- (6)

    GhengisFarb- (5)
    ducki- (5)

    Sprayber - (4)
    Post Count Zero- (4)
    CivNation (AKA DefensorFidei)- (4)
    Techumseh- (4)
    Lincoln- (4)
    Archaic- (4)
    Frozzy- (4)
    MarkusF- (4)
    Agathon- (4)
    Lorizael- (4)
    Boann- (4)
    Mr Baggins- (4)
    Rasputin- (4)
    alva- (4)
    monolith94- (4)
    BaronO- (4)
    Smash- (4)

    Aeson- (3)
    st_swithin- (3)
    Beta- (3)
    Oerdin- (3)
    Pyaray- (3)
    Frankychan- (3)
    Fried-Psitalon- (3)
    devilmunchkin- (3)
    100. Crimson Sunrise- (3)
    civman2000- (3)
    HongHu- (3)
    Kody- (3)
    TheBirdMan- (2)
    WRW- (3)
    hemical Ollie- (3)
    raingoon- (3)
    Bongo- (3)
    Lonestar- (3)
    jimmytrick- (3)
    CharlesBHoff- (3)
    HappySunShine- (3)
    Gramphos- (3)

    GePap- (2)
    finbar- (2)
    Sir Ralph-(2)
    Dale- (2)
    Elephant- (2)
    Gerar Dream- (2)
    Niessuh- (2)
    Rhothaerill- (2)
    mindseye- (2)
    Darius- (2)
    Keygen- (2)
    Jaguar Warrior- (2)
    joncha- (2)
    136. Flubber- (2)
    Molly Bloom- (2)
    Drogue- (2)

    Kaak- (1)

    2) Who voted for Whom

    DarkCloud voted for: Urban Ranger (3), El Awrence (3), Googlie (3)

    *Registered 1999
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


    • #3
      Here my votes:

      Immortal Wombat
      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


      • #4
        3 each to:

        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


        • #5

          And dammit get one of those people inducted so I can start voting for CD again
          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


          • #6
            Ben Kenobi?

            thanks for voting!
            -->Visit CGN!
            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


            • #7
              No, me Ben. Stupid.

              DarkCloud, why the flying **** have I dropped 14 places since March?
              Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
              "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


              • #8
                Martin Gühmann
                Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                • #9
                  Okay, I PMed you the reason.

                  is that sufficient?

                  Thank you all for voting!

                  -->Visit CGN!
                  -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DarkCloud
                    Ben Kenobi?
                    And you're supposed to know everyone around here? There's only one Ben in the CtP community (well, among the regulars anyway). And I wouldn't vote for Ben Kenobi if my life depended on it...
                    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
                      DarkCloud, why the flying **** have I dropped 14 places since March?
                      Yes, the whole list seems totally messed up compared to last time, everyone lost most of their points. I can't find anything about new rules, WTF happened?
                      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                      • #12
                        Immortal Wombat
                        Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                        • #13
                          Well, thanks for you PM, DarkCloud.

                          Originally posted by Locutus
                          Yes, the whole list seems totally messed up compared to last time, everyone lost most of their points. I can't find anything about new rules, WTF happened?
                          Everything got reset to the points total of the last election results. So basically, long term efforts to get posters in failed, whereas short-term celebrities go zooming up the table.

                          This seems like an odd decision, considering elsewhere DC has posted that votes shouldn't be zeroed after one term of no-votes, and nearer to 6 terms of no-votes - specifically to make it easier for older ex-popular posters to get in.
                          Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                          "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                          • #14
                            And you're supposed to know everyone around here? There's only one Ben in the CtP community (well, among the regulars anyway). And I wouldn't vote for Ben Kenobi if my life depended on it...
                            Well there's hundreds of bens.
                            This seems like an odd decision, considering elsewhere DC has posted that votes shouldn't be zeroed after one term of no-votes, and nearer to 6 terms of no-votes - specifically to make it easier for older ex-popular posters to get in.
                            I couldn't think of any other way to solve the problem. It was becoming unassailable for people to ascend the list. Everyone in the top 20 would have gotten in eventually regardless of merit. (And yes, there were some people on the list who had accumulated about 16 votes ONLY because one person voted for them- they were on track to actually get in if the system wasn't reset sometime... What I should have done was reset it by using the last two votes status, but I was too lazy to go back and cut/paste all the data- as it was, it still took me about 2-3 hours to do what I had to do.

                            And I also had to do it this month because If I waited until after I entered the hall, people would have accused me of favoritism. This way, in general, people benefitted, most people didn't shift place that much- but many people caught up to the leaders.

                            sadly, a few posters suffered under the shift. Originally I though it was only 2 people who lost more than 15 places, but apparently about 4-5 people lost more than 10...
                            -->Visit CGN!
                            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                            • #15
                              and what I feel sad and worried about is that when the year turns over- the Civ III players may acquire THREE votes per turn- I'm still working out the vote point allocation, but if they receive three, then basically only Civ III players will be elected because of the sizable contingent.

                              And thus, neither myself, nor Wombat will ever make it into the hall
                              -->Visit CGN!
                              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

