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  • #61
    well, it looks like you can finish off the green, but are they the Arabians or Minoans?


    • #62
      Arabians, and their remaining cities are heavily defended. I must admit I've become rather barbaric. Although I havn't used bloodlust I've started to max out sceintists in all the cities I capture. Hamadan has been destroyed, so that is my excuse for using whatever means, short of bloodlust, to win.


      • #63
        I have not stopped playing, so heres a brief update. Its now turn 693 (1904 A.D) and I am doing very poorly. The pesky turks just won't die even after nearly all of their major cities have been destroyed by starvation and war (taking a number of wonders of the world with it) and are agrresively attacking my Northern cities with their remaing armies.The babylonians have a strong hold on the former Greek empire and I have been able to little to stop them. The Carthaginians have attacked and taken the cities I have long held on the former Arabian peninsula even though they are still engaged in a 9000 year war with the Romans. Sceintific developement has been very slow and the Turks are the only nation that has gunpowder and cannons. Heres the world map:
        Attached Files


        • #64
          Well I got to the 2100s AD without any crashes or problems. Sadly I cannot finish the game because of a crash when one of my cities is captured. I tryed destroying the city viva the cheat menu but the game crashes when I attepmt to do so. The game also crashes when I try to give the game away. The crash seems to be related to the emancipation Proclation which did not free all the slaves in my empire like it was supposed to. Oh well, it was a good game while it lasted.

