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Reinstalled everything, but now some things are weird...

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  • Reinstalled everything, but now some things are weird...

    I was having terrible trouble with CTP2 crashing and running so slowly it wasn't playable. I have played many Apolyton Pack ultragigantic maps with 8 players before, and all of a sudden it wouldn't work on my most recent games. So I reinstalled....

    Now, I've reinstalled, but can't get the "ultragigantic" feature to reinstall. I only get "original game" and "The way it should be" on the Modswapper menu. None of the APOLUL files installed. I don't know why, and want them back.

    I'm trying a game now, but my cities go into disorder a turn or two after being built. I'm playing "very hard", and my government is Monarchy. There are no happiness indicators on the City Status tab except "size of empire" and that shows a 0. How can you play with all the cities in disorder? I can't even build a unit to get martial arts! I've even built the Appian Way and it's still happening. The cities of size one are happiness of 74 and go into disorder. Something must be set wrong, but I can't find it.

    Anyone know what's going on? I used to play just fine, but all of a sudden in the last 2 months it won't work. I haven't changed anything else on my system. I'm on a P5 WinXP with 512MB memory and plenty of hard drive space.

    Johnc214 The Frustrated

  • #2
    johnc214, I don't understand what is going on with CtP2 on your computer. Though I am not the most qualified to reply to your post I would say that CtP2 is not correctly installed or that some SAP2 files are lacking, all this is very strange as it should not work at all if it were the case.

    When I reinstalled CtP2 under Win2000 Pro I noticed that the installation process sometimes did not end properly, the process hung on around 96-99% for a while and then I was sent back to Win2000 without any error message as if the process was ended. I had to reinstall the game several times until I get a message telling me CtP2 was correctly installed on my computer.
    "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


    • #3
      Well if theyre all in disorder lower your sliders to compensate, or build more happiness buildings, but faults with txt files can only be made by the user, either installing them incorrectly or altering the files themselves. If all of your cities are in disorder its got nothing to do with your computers spec.

      I would suggest removing the whole lot, including modswapper AND deleting every CtP2 folder, then reboot, then install all again in the right order. CtP2 - Offficial 1.1 patch - Modswapper - SAP.
      Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
      CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
      One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


      • #4
        When was the last time you installed the Apolyton Pack and the UL feature worked okay? Could it be that that was a long time ago?

        My memory could be failing me, but IIRC Dale removed the UL feature from the latest version of the Apolyton Pack, because it was too buggy/unbalanced/whatever in his opinion. So if you're installing a newer version of the AP than the last time you installed it, it could indeed be that the files are no longer there.

        I think if you install Martin's GoodMod, that does still include a UL version for the Apolyton Pack. Of course, you'll then have to play AP+Goodmod if you want a UL game, but I guess that's better then no UL support at all (and GoodMod is a pretty good mod, so no real loss there).
        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


        • #5
          Originally posted by Locutus
          I think if you install Martin's GoodMod, that does still include a UL version for the Apolyton Pack. Of course, you'll then have to play AP+Goodmod if you want a UL game, but I guess that's better then no UL support at all (and GoodMod is a pretty good mod, so no real loss there).
          I can confirm this, but note that this UL option might be buggy, and there is also in one of the scripts in GoodMod a bug, I already started to work on a overhauled version, unfortunatly this script isn't finished, so I decided to release in the next days a basic simple fix.

          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

