Greetings all.
wow this is one awesome forum.
This is a serious question that has honestly made me lose sleep. Shed some light if you will.
It'll prolly be wordy; if you just wanna see my question w/o the background, skip to the part labelled **question**.
So, I just picked up CtP2 about a month ago; thought it blew the hell out of smac and civ2, and from what I remember from those two games, there was a tradeoff between the number of cities you build in a confined space and the strength of each individual city. In other words, if you build cities closer together, you can have more... but the city influence borders will eventually conflict, each individual city will run out of room to expand, and be stunted, never able to achieve its full value because the cities were built too close together.
I always figured i'd build them relatively close together, like with 6 tiles in between each city (give or take) to allow for two influence expansions without the cities getting in the way.
Well I just installed the apoloyton mod and played it; imagine my surprise when 8 dudes marched up to my frontline city and took it
. well, i reloaded, pulled some diplomacy, tried again, avoided the attack... but i was constantly amazed at how the empires seemingly produced 4-5 times as much as I, and once I traded maps with some civs (indians first, then thai), I got one look at their land and was in pure awe.
I guess i was used to the old AI which did not use tile improvs as much, or have as many boosters at startup, but i quickly saw how they outfoxed me every time. their cities were very close together (comparatively speaking of course), every piece of land had a tile improvement, and their cities were 2-3 times the size of mine.
The apoloyton mod AI makes cities closer together than I do. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but i always appreciated the extra room for my cities when i hit around the rennaissance/modern age and they needed the room to expand to support the high population. I now see that in the beginning, closer cities is better, but isn't that going to screw over the AI in the late game?? I mean, how are their cities going to grow past when they can no longer expand to support the extra population? I was honestly saddenned when I saw that, cuz I knew that once I survived past the ancient age, the game would be cake cuz my cities would be so much bigger than theirs they couldn't keep up. Has anyone else had such concerns? This is my number one question: What is the optimal space to maintain between new cities?!?! And how did they get so much public works? (is that an AI booster perhaps?) I can post the savegame if you want, but i figure its not necessary. This is driving me nuts!! plz help. i'll pull you out of the ocean next time your drowning.
have a great Coast Guard day, and thx for letting me
wow this is one awesome forum.
This is a serious question that has honestly made me lose sleep. Shed some light if you will.

It'll prolly be wordy; if you just wanna see my question w/o the background, skip to the part labelled **question**.
So, I just picked up CtP2 about a month ago; thought it blew the hell out of smac and civ2, and from what I remember from those two games, there was a tradeoff between the number of cities you build in a confined space and the strength of each individual city. In other words, if you build cities closer together, you can have more... but the city influence borders will eventually conflict, each individual city will run out of room to expand, and be stunted, never able to achieve its full value because the cities were built too close together.
I always figured i'd build them relatively close together, like with 6 tiles in between each city (give or take) to allow for two influence expansions without the cities getting in the way.
Well I just installed the apoloyton mod and played it; imagine my surprise when 8 dudes marched up to my frontline city and took it

I guess i was used to the old AI which did not use tile improvs as much, or have as many boosters at startup, but i quickly saw how they outfoxed me every time. their cities were very close together (comparatively speaking of course), every piece of land had a tile improvement, and their cities were 2-3 times the size of mine.
The apoloyton mod AI makes cities closer together than I do. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but i always appreciated the extra room for my cities when i hit around the rennaissance/modern age and they needed the room to expand to support the high population. I now see that in the beginning, closer cities is better, but isn't that going to screw over the AI in the late game?? I mean, how are their cities going to grow past
have a great Coast Guard day, and thx for letting me
