Im chopping the ethiopians to shreds and i notice some of their borders remain intact in odd instances. For example i cleared out about 8 of their cities and their are little isolated pockets which are technically still their territory. Which doesnt make much sense to me since i destroyed all their cities in that zone and around it. Has anyone else observed this or is it just me?
No announcement yet.
Is it a bug or a feature?
Well they are still alive but their cities and main border are far away from the isolated pockets of territory that have no cities but still give them borders around them
In one instance i pillaged a fort in their turf and the borders went away but in another pocket i tossed a fort and the borders stayed.Allways vote banana, its high in potassium!
If a city is conquered and you don't see what happened the borders changes but only if there were no tile improvemnts built since your last visit. This disappears when you revisit this region. Well I call this a bug, either all the borders in your view that you actual don't see should change or none of them, actual this is rather a bug. And I think it is more logical that you don't see an affect in territory that you actual don't see.
For forts there is indeed a bug sometimes if you pilllage the vision range that gave the forts stays intact for the old owner or if you build a new fort you doN#t have vision at that place, use the cheat editor to place a fort at a place and remove it place it again at the same place and remove it again and do it again and again and you will notice some starnge effects that shoul not happen.
-MartinCiv2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
I have radar coverage of alot of the areas and havent noticed any sort of new TI built. I think it might be the fortress bug you mentioned thought. They had a few forts some are long gone by now. Its frustrating there is a pocket of the map that is theirs i have tossed all their improvements and there are no cities in it. I have cleared alll cities around the area too.Allways vote banana, its high in potassium!