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Game Locks Up after 5 to 10 minutes of playing

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  • Game Locks Up after 5 to 10 minutes of playing

    Help! I can't seem to figure this problem out. I am running Windows NT 4.0 with sp6. I meet all the recommendations for the software. Activision Support has not been able to help me either. When the computer freezes up I have to restart to start civ again, because it says it cannot init the shared surface. Hopefully, someone out there has had this problem and can help me.

  • #2
    Hi Gregory508

    Questions for you:

    Are you running NTFS or fat32?
    What is sp6?
    What Dx? are you using?
    What video card?
    Do you have a scsi cd-rom?
    What sound card?

    I have experience with NT4.0 but these questions I need answered In order to help
    Hope you don't mind

    “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
    Or do we?


    • #3
      Questions for you:

      Are you running NTFS or fat32?
      What is sp6?
      What Dx? are you using?
      What video card?
      Do you have a scsi cd-rom?
      What sound card?

      I am running NTFS

      sp6 = Service Pack 6

      How can I find out which Dx I am using?

      Video Card = Matrix Graphics Millennium G250 AGP Versions: 4.00, 4.0.66 Bios Version: v2.5.019 8MB

      I do not have a Scsi cd-rom

      Sound Card = SoundFusion MP401?



      • #4
        Hey Gregory508

        My daughter and myself are of to shop so it will be a bit before i can answer you correctly.

        In the mean time I have a NTFS to Fat32 patch converter
        just for gamming it may help we will chat about that later.

        Dx should be listed in your computer so run a find program to locate it it will tell you if you have it.

        I will be back in a few hours talk at you then with i hope a solution
        “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
        Or do we?


        • #5
          Ok It only took a few minutes to get this done.OS: WinNT 4.0 SP 6a
          Direct X version: 3.0 (SP6a)
          Win nt only supports dx 3.0
          Windows NT versions less than 5.0 don't support Direct3D acceleration!

          I believe you need at least dx7.0 to run Ctp2
          I will check my resources to see if they have an online patch you can install from the net, an example would be a patch to run diablo2 in nt it is restricted to DirectX 3 support but hey it works

          This would appear to be the short answer.I will read more about this NTFS to FAT32 patch later and get back to you on it's abilities.

          “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
          Or do we?


          • #6
            ok The patch

            This utility allows you to Read and Write on a FAT32 partition within your Fat16 or NTFS partition.
            This will not partion your drive.It is just a temp patch.

            Here is a no cd patch for the game go here maybe try it?

            The patch for ntfs to fat32 is a large file do you want it? if so do you have a ftp client? As you can then get it off my server.

            Or you can run a duel boot and load win98 that is the obvious and final solution. Or upgrade to 5.0?

            This is all i have so far as i am a reseach pig
            If you give me more time i will dig up more info in fact i just found a site that offers ntfs for win98 humm will be reading that later

            Hope i helped stay in touch.


            [This message has been edited by blackice (edited December 29, 2000).]
            “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
            Or do we?


            • #7

              Follow the link and download. Install it.

              Then go in Start Menu. Run QFixApps. Browse to the game you want to run. Then in the lower box, choose "Win95verLie" Click Run.

              Secondly, if you want to run it again and again, you dont have to do all this again. simply click advanced then click "create attribe file...".Make sure Browse has the file you need and "Win95VerLie" is selected.

              When it tells you the file is created. Go to C:\Winnt\AppPatch\ and run the reg file of the game. That is it! You can run the game from anywhere.

              Here is a neat ntcompatible bbs

              [This message has been edited by blackice (edited December 29, 2000).]
              “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
              Or do we?


              • #8
                Big R
                Junior Civer
                Posts: 14
                Registered: JUN 99
                posted July 15, 1999 18:50
                Here's a gem for NT Civers that I got from Microsoft support.
                As you've probably read, one of the many secrets to getting CTP stable is to do the Windows Libraries Update. In particular, it is supposed to fix the nasty crashes caused by C++ runtime library version issues.


                This update has the new C-Run-time Library DLL, Msvcrt.dll. which resolves the heap compatibility problems described in the following Microsoft Knowledge base articles:

                Q190536 PRB: Invalid Page Fault in Msvcrt.dll

                Q194550 PRB: Freeing Memory Multiple Times May Cause an Access Violation

                The cause of the compatibility problems was a change in the internal layout of the way that the C Run-Time library allocates memory. No application should be dependant on this layout, but due to the issues in the previously mentioned articles, they are unknowingly affected by the new heap manager. The new Msvcrt.dll file implements two heap managers, the Visual C++ 5 compatible heap manager and the Visual C++ 6 compatible heap manager. It detects with which Visual C++ version your application is built and uses the appropriate heap manager for that application. If this version is 6.0 or greater, the Visual C++ 6 compatible heap manager is used and if it is earlier than version 6.0,the Visual C++ 5 compatible heap is used.]

                The problem for me was that the Library Update never actually installed the new file (which you would find in the system32 directory). Same with Libraries Update 2.0, which was just released. It may be because some service was using an existing version of the file, and
                would not let go. I could not even use the older version on the CTP CD because NT complained

                that the "file was in use" and would not let me do a thing with Msvcrt. And it's not like

                Windows 95 where you can just boot to DOS and change any files you need to. What to do?

                Microsoft pointed me to a utility that will let you change locked files. Eureka!

                Here it is (instructions on the link):

                Worked like a charm. Has it fixed the problem? Don't know yet... but at least I can now mess around with different versions of Msvcrt.dll to try and get some stability.

                5.00.7022 What CTP uses per my CD
                6.00.8337 What's in Windows Update per the article (but it won't install for me)
                6.00.8397.0 What Sonique uses. (the latest version I've seen.) You can get this MP3

                player which includes the file we need at

                Hope this gives you some more ammunition to isolate any problems you're having. I'd like to get it to the point where I can actually spend more time playing than troubleshooting.

                Let me know of any successes/failures.

                Good Luck.


                “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                Or do we?


                • #9
                  Thanks. I will try these suggestions and try to get the game running good. I will let you know which one works. Thanks, again


                  • #10
                    I have found the problem. I am running out of Virtual Memory. I have set it to 600MB and I still run out of virtual memory. A error message comes up and tells me I am running low on virtual memory. It seems as if the game is not deallocating resources along the way? Any suggestions?


                    • #11
                      I have found the problem. I am running out of Virtual Memory. I have set it to 600MB and I still run out of virtual memory. A error message comes up and tells me I am running low on virtual memory. It seems as if the game is not deallocating resources along the way? Any suggestions?

