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Polls 14&15: Animations

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  • Polls 14&15: Animations

    results below
    [This message has been edited by MarkG (edited November 23, 2000).]

  • #2
    Unit Only

    The good and trade anims dont make much sense IMO, they just cost a lot of resources.
    Because Full: It looks so ridiculous in the combat window when they just stand there and the other one gets slapped!



    • #3
      My computer is too wimpy for animations. I have to turn them off to make the program run at a reasonable speed.


      • #4
        full unit, and trade as well.

        sometimes when i want to know if i should be pirating a trade route or not, i can't tell who's cities it goes between, and therefore who i'm pissing off. following the trade animations can help sort this out.

        btw, has anyone ever suggested a right click or something on a trade route to highlight it so you can follow where the hell it's going?
        - mkl


        • #5
          What types of animations do you use/want?

          None 191 / 13%
          Unit Only 317 / 22%
          Goody Only 13 / 0%
          Trade Only 35 / 2%
          Combination of Three 185 / 12%
          All 616 / 43%
          Don't care/No opinion 68 / 4%

          1425 total votes

          What Unit Animations do you use/want?

          None 111 / 13%
          Movement Only 115 / 13%
          Full 596 / 69%
          Don't care/No opinion 30 / 3%

          852 total votes

          [This message has been edited by MarkG (edited November 23, 2000).]
          [This message has been edited by MarkG (edited November 23, 2000).]


          • #6

            Originally posted by MidKnight Lament on 02-13-2000 09:40 PM
            full unit, and trade as well.

            sometimes when i want to know if i should be pirating a trade route or not, i can't tell who's cities it goes between, and therefore who i'm pissing off. following the trade animations can help sort this out.

            btw, has anyone ever suggested a right click or something on a trade route to highlight it so you can follow where the hell it's going?

            Now THAT would be a really great idea! I agree with MidKnight completely.
            The power to tax is the power to destroy.


            • #7
              I think being able to find out the source and destination for trade routes would be a great idea.

              In a couple of games a guy I play with really annoyed me when he went around pirating an AI's trade routes , that same AI civ was my ally and I was trading with them. The guy knocked out several of my trade routes (he was supposed to be on my side) with them. Even after telling him NOT to pirate their routes he conveniently "forgot" . :-/ ...
              Eventually I just dealt with it since it was pretty obvious he was doing it on purpose.

              Either way. If trade routes gave an easy way to find out destination and source, that chap would have no excuse to pirate my trade routes and I would have given him a bashing!.. Grrr...
              King Thor

