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CIty Growth

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  • CIty Growth

    I've got a problem I'm playing a game right now in the late diamond age with all but 4 technologies researched. I have most city improvements and my cities won't grow bigger than 25. A few months ago I had a game where i had many cities that were 100 or larger. For the life of me I can't figure out how the hell I did it. Any suggestions how to make a huge city?

  • #2
    Well, here are many possible reasons. I'll assume you're not new to CTP in whole.
    First, if you have had cities in size over 100, means they were nice.
    To have a city grow, you need suitable terrain. Cities in Deserts or Tundra won't grow. Grasslands and water provide a nice source of food. Improve the land with Farms and Fisheries.
    My biggest city is usually near the water. Some 10 water tiles with Automated Fisheries provide a food source, while I have made all the land squaes Hills: providing minimum food, they have excellent production, and with the best mines availaible city has gotr excellent production. If I have Mind Control there, all the extra people will be Factory Workers to provide some excellent production, of about 10000 production per a turn.
    So, look at what terrain do you have around your city, make sure you have everyone working a square, not being a specialist (unless your city hasn't exceeded size of 20) and don't forget to improve the land. Cities wthout the land improvements will stop the growth, and will almost never exceed size of 25, even in the Diamond Age.

    Solver -
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #3
      If you had size 100 cities, you were playing on the Chieftain difficulty level. On that level, cities with enough happiness to celebrate grow at 1 population point per turn. On higher difficulty settings, that doesn't happen. (I'm not sure why size 100 cities don't revolt due to unhappiness on Chieftain; I'm guessing that overcrowding doesn't cause unhappiness, or something silly like that. Chieftain's not really playing the game -- it's more of a tutorial.)

      I almost never have a city over size 25. If I do get a city that big, chances are it got a jump start with a lot of slaves during the early parts of the game.

      If you're having trouble getting cities past that size 10-15 point, you can adjust your sliders. Set your rations lower, so that you have more food left over for growth -- and raise wages to compensate. This is especially effective with governments like Corporate Republic, since you have so much gold that a mere 20% increase in wages (from 5 to 6) is lost in the noise.


      • #4
        Oh, nevr though of difficulty levels. I know that AI is dependant on that, but I have lost my file with other effects of levels taking place, like this one and the overcrowding cities. Well, this means you can easily make a city of any size at Chieftain.

        Solver -
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • #5
          Good points you are correct last game was on cheiftan. I'm playing the more difficult levels now that is it. Makes perfect sense. My cities that are biggest right now have perfect tile surroundings.

          Thanks guys

