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What is your favorite build order?

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  • What is your favorite build order?

    I've been playing CTP for a while but have never gotten past Prince level. I can usually beat it if starting conditions are good, and reading this board I've started using slaves.

    My question is, from the start of the game, what is your favorite build order when you start a new city?

    Lately I've been playing MedMod 4 and going this route:

    Warrior/Phalanx x2 or 3
    Stockade (if available)

    When the first Warrior/Phalanx is ready I send it and the Slaver out looking for barbarians and ruins. I usually do this with the first couple of cities, then backfill the slaver and warrior to take care of marauding barbarians.

    Reading the board about everyone's fast gains, this doesn't seem to be the optimum strategy.

    Anyone have any hints to share?
    Illegitimi non carborundum est.

  • #2
    Warrior x2 to explore

    I leave my early cities undefended for several turns.
    This frees crucial resources for expanding.
    If this gamble fails, start a new game!
    For those who fight for it, life has a flavour the sheltered never know.


    • #3
      I too have a strategy that works well against the computer but not so well on the net it is:

      warrior (or phalanx if i have it by now)
      granary (or i build this first if the gold is there to use.)
      mounted archer
      city walls if needed or
      market place
      phalanx or slaver
      temple and or wonder
      if not wonder troops until the next city improvement is ready ie: academy

      I have found i can take it up to deity this way

      Hope that helps

      “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
      Or do we?


      • #4
        My favorite order is :

        settler- phalanx- city wall -granary


        phalanx-settler-city wall-granary

        depending on how close the enemies are.

        I hate using warriors, and I have yet to use slavers, although I will try to in my next game.

        But then, I don't go beyond prince either


        • #5
          Use warriors!!
          They are cheap and they look at double range! 2 spaces.
          For those who fight for it, life has a flavour the sheltered never know.


          • #6
            For me 2 warriors in the beginning, leave the city undefended for a few turns. But granary, then settler. A phalanx to defend and another to defend the new found city. Creamed Deity this way.
            "Power and adversity comes hand in hand"


            • #7
              I always try to defend my cities first, as I set barbarians to Ragin Hordes. In early game it's really painful to lose one of your cities, and if your capitol is taken, you've lost. For my capitol, I defend it with 2 Phalanxes, Archer and Walls for the Ancient era.
              At other cities, I pump out lots of Slavers, as I usually Slave, however, sometimes decide to be an Abolitionist.

              Solver -
              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


              • #8
                When possible, I use legions. When you guard with phalanx, pesky Barbarians can creep up and pillage your tile improvement whil you sit there dumbstruck. But if you guard with legions you can kick their butts.
                "It is ridiculous claiming that video games influence children. For instance, if Pac-Man affected kids born in the 80's we should by now have a bunch of teenagers who run around in darkened rooms and eat pills while listening to monotonous electronic music."


                • #9
                  When playing at the Divinity level I use a technique that goes well :

                  Has we know, two cities with one pop each is more profitable than one city of two pop. Then, I litterally floodfill the map with cities. At this time, cities are near each other : 2 or 3 squares. This has the big advantage that your borders are always impassable for foes. To do this I need Bronze to create phalanx. This is my first search. Then all cities are optimized for Gold (better science that is very important at game start).

                  Build queue :

                  - (only for capital : Phalanx, used to protect town)
                  - Phalanx (when build send to next city place and fortify there)
                  - Settler (Goes build city at the place reserved by last Phalanx
                  - Phalanx
                  - Settler

                  At this time I have to make a choice : is this city a potential big one ?

                  If yes it will grow as a big valuable town:
                  - Granary
                  - City Walls
                  - Aquaduc (this word in english ?)
                  - Temple
                  - choose apropriate buildings with your goals but don't build all because of costs !

                  If No it will stay as a village:
                  - optimise this city for Science
                  - don't let it goes out from 2 Pop (if it happen, build a Settler to lower it and use it to build another town or add it to a growing town.
                  - !! Never build any buildings in thoses villages

                  After Tyrany (limited to 10 Towns) I always chose Theocraty (limited to 40 towns). When I reach this limit : I disband a village in the center of my empire and build a new city at the border with de Settler produced by this action.

                  I repeat this process until I have no more village.
                  A this time I have the possibility to change to a very advanced gov.

                  Note : Produce Piquemens instead of Phalanx when you could do it. And add 1 Piquemen and 2 'Canons' to protect each town.


                  • #10
                    Why do you disband a village in the center of your empire only to build a new city on the frontier? I don't understand what this gains you, except a big chunk of unused land in the center. (And this land is useless to you, since CTP has no supply crawlers.)

                    You seem to use a rather passive play-style, Renaud. (You concentrate on defense instead of offense.) I find that I get much better results if I take a more aggressive stance against the AI -- keep attacking until you win.

                    I tend to crank out Warriors first, and use them for exploration (their vision radius and cheap build cost make them great for this in the first part of the game). I build Phalanxes for defense (1 per city), and expand almost as fast as I can (cities 3 squares apart wherever possible).

                    I usually put 20% PW once I get about 6 cities; and I go Theocratic about the same time. I put up roads first, to connect my cities, and then nets, and then farms where appropriate (not too many), and then a few mines.

                    Theocracy's growth penalty is both a blessing and a curse. In the early game you don't want your cities to be too big, because you can't control the unhappiness. But once you've got some buildings (temple, theatre, and especially academy) you want bigger cities. This means you've got to get Ocean Faring and fisheries (500 PW apiece -- expensive, but worth it). This in turn means you need some Longships to defend the fisheries.

                    Once I've got my defenses up (city walls, phalanxes) I build slaving parties -- 2 Mounted Archers, 2 Samurai, 1 Slaver. I usually have 2 or 3 of these parties moving around at any time, and replace the Samurai as they die. I enslave the AI's wandering units at every opportunity. Slaves are the key to phenomenal growth in the early stages of CTP games; they're free population points that don't ever become unhappy, don't need to be paid, and eat only half rations. A city with 3 or more slaves is poised for greatness.

                    After I've got my defenses and slaving parties out, I usually concentrate on buildings -- Aqueducts as soon as they're available, Temples (they're usually in place before Aqueducts are available), and Granaries. I build a Marketplace in any city with 15 or more gold output, and an Academy (when available) in any city of size 4 or more. I'll build Courthouses when the city runs out of other things to build from the above list. When Mills are available, I build one in any city with production output of 100 or more.

                    I generally do not build Universities or Publishing Houses, except in cities which are devoted to science. A science centers is any sufficiently large city (population is the key) -- maximize for science (creating scientist specialists), and build all the science buildings (rush buy them if you can). Such a city can easily contribute 200 or more science points per turn. The trick is to know when to convert the city to science output (which will essentially stop its growth and dramatically decrease its production) and when to let it grow some more. I'll generally let a science center city grow until it has both the Academy and Publishing House, then maximize for science and build the University (rush buying when its price is low enough).

                    In an empire of about 25 cities, I like to have about 3 science centers.

                    In addition to all this, when Gunpowder is available, I build war parties. This means I crank out a few Musketeers, and then as many Cannons as I can once the Cannons are available (usually a few turns after Gunpowder). When I have enough Musketeers and Cannons to be able to take an AI city (it doesn't take many), I start crushing the AI. Pikemen and Cannons will also work, if I had Pikemen long enough before Gunpowder to have built many of them. When the AI cities start to fall before me, I'm pretty much on a roll. I try to pick up Explosives ASAP, and work my way up toward Fascism and Robotics.

                    (In my current game, which I've been playing on and off for a couple weeks, it's about 1820 and I've got War Walkers and I'm working on the GlobeSat. None of the AIs even have Explosives yet. That means I'm stomping on Cavalry and Musketeers with War Walkers, and a few Machine Gunners and Marines. I use a few Destroyers (and some leftover Ships of the Line) for shore bombardments. I've been dominant on the power graph for a very long time. The only tricky part was when one of the AIs built the Emancipation Act. I made excess entertainers when I got the "almost completed" warnings, and tried to plant some extra farms. Even so, I had to bump the rations slider down a notch, and compensate with lower production, once the Act was built. But after a few turns, things were back to normal, though of course my gold/science output were much lower since I had to pay all my workers now.)


                    • #11
                      First, has Gregurabi say, I have to explain some things :

                      - disbanding villages in center of empire : because my cities are near each other, the one I consider to grow as a large town actually share his 20 sqares territory with other cities. At the time workers went to want more space I usualy have reached the 40 cities limit for Theocracy. Then, to avoid penalty, to make place for my big's town and to continue my expansion, I disband those villages to create new cities on my borders.

                      - passive play-style : no, I don't think so. Just, this forum is about Build Order strategy and not about military one. To explain my position, first remember that in Divinity mode, other nations are more powerfull at the start of game. Then, you waste time in producing big army of overaged units to kill brillant knights, is'nt it ? I start offensive when I can create mixte army of musqueters and canon. Because of my science rush, I get them near 800AC. At this time, I was first in science and my armies are the best in world. Then I conquer greatest nations first. Bigest city first.

                      For Theocracy, I experience that you can change for an alternative gov only AFTER Democracy.

                      The fact I think it was a good startegy is that, in my curent game using it at Divinity difficulty,8 nations and berserkers barbarians, near 1500AC I have GlobSat, Genome project ... Killing others desperates nations with bombers, tanks and contaminators.

