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Medieval mod 4.11 Update

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  • Medieval mod 4.11 Update

    I have just posted a 4.11 version of the mod at my homepage (jee, who was it that said he didn't post multiple small updates of his mods? Hmm... ).
    Anyway, as some of you may have noticed, the creation of Space Marine militias did not work correctly, and this code has been deleted from the mod. Since this affects the script.slc file, the change will not take effect if you load games from previous versions of the mod, thus I have updated the version number of the mod.

    Btw, if you want to go back and continue games from earlier versions, simply go into the Medpack4\scen0000 scenario folder (for standard games), and edit the number to whatever version you want to go back to playing.

  • #2
    I have posted a small update to the mod at my homepage.
    1)Missile Frigates can no longer see stealth units.
    2)Self-propelled Guns are now obsolete with Neural Interface, when you get War Walkers.
    3)I have adjusted the timeline, reducing the years per turn from 1800CE onward. Mostly this was done to give more turns in the 19th and 20th century.
    The game now earns after 520 turns, on 2700CE.
    4)The various readmes and charts have been updated to reflect the changes made since the 4.0 version was posted.

