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A typical CTP game process

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  • A typical CTP game process

    a typical ctp game process for me is as following
    1)early stage, i'm behind the ais and focusing all my attention on production and growth, avoid war at all cost.
    2)early mid-game stage, i'm now a little ahead of the ais and had gone throught industrial revolution and all that, now turning hostile on the ais, strenghtening up my military, but still focusing on peaceful expansion, sending out settler etc.
    3)late mid-game stage, My economy really took off, growth rate rise to a incredible pace. More war with ais, taking over their cities. huge amount of wonder being built.
    4)end game stage, Becoming a super power, nothing to build but military unit. Usually wipe the ai out in a few turns with military force that is over 10 times greater than theirs.

    Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at

  • #2
    Sounds familiar!!


    • #3
      Almost as with me

      1) same except production and science.
      2) same except the ai turns hostile on me so I just take over whoever starts a war with me. Usually runs into the city limit of one or two gov types.
      3) Money is no problem, new units become obsolete almost before I get to build them as I get a new advance every one or two turns. I get to build all wonders.
      4) My only problem now is that I can't seem to get enough PW, and I generate two to three times as much research as needed. Oh! and that city limit.

      Visit my CTP-page and get TileEdit and a few other CTP related programs.
      Download and test SpriteEdit development build.


      • #4
        Try Med mod 4 at one of the more difficult levels. You won't find the going so easy.
        The power to tax is the power to destroy.


        • #5
          I have heard lots of positive comments about the Med Mod, I have also tried to install it, but I don't have a clue how to make it work.

          Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at


          • #6
            The game with Apolyton Pack is extremly easy, in Deity level, I still have to use the cheat mode (not to help myself, but the AIs). I would rush build stuff, grant them advances, and give them a huge navy.
            One of the most exciting naval battle I had since playing CTP is after I grant the strongest AI 6 Battleships, 7 Destoryers and 4 Subs. While I only had a much smaller navy, it took me many turns to turn the tide and completely destory that mighty fleet. I really felt the death approaching as the AI's ships blocked my coast line. But they lost the battle after all.

            Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at

