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Spanish -> English

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  • Spanish -> English


    I have a version of the CTP in Spanish and I would like to convert it to English. Does anyone now which files to I need to replace and where could I get them for free in the net?

    Thanks a lot,


  • #2
    If you only what to have the in game text in English you just needs the contend in the ..\ctp_data\english\gamedata\

    I would put it into that folder and open the civpaths.txt in the ..\ctp_program\ctp\ folder and replace the entry spanish with english. Finally you have to copy the other subfolders from the spanish folder to the english folder. These subfolders are called graphics, sound and uidata. The uidata folder is not the problem, its content should be in all language versions the same. Only the other two folders contain Spanish Sounds and Spanish Pictures. Unfortunatly the content of these folders is huge, so that it can't be attached to a post.

    But someone with an English version can at least attach the text files.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • #3
      You can find more detailed instructions in this thread. That thread is for CtP2 and a german version but simply replace all references to CtP2 with CtP1 and all references to German with Spanish and you should be fine

      Of course, the zip file in that thread only works CtP2, the CtP1 equivilant you can download from here (729 kB).
      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


      • #4
        Well it looks like that the file contains much more then it is needed to convert the original Spanish version to original English version. I think it contains a lot of Medmod files.

        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


        • #5
          I know, I'm an idiot, but can someone say slow and clear, how to change a german CtP1 to a english CtP1?
          Only thing I can do is make it stuck
          The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
          - Chuck Norris Facts


          • #6
            Once you downloaded the 769 kb file provided by Locutus in his last post in this thread, unzip the file to any directory of your choice. It contains a folder called english. This folder contains two subfolders, move or copy the subfolder ctp_data to your CTP1 folder that contains also a ctp_data folder, so that all the files that contains the ctp_data folder of the zip file can be copied into your ctp_data folder. Now the second step in the second folder of the zip file you find a file with the path ..\english\ctp_program\ctp\civpaths.txt also in your CTP1 folder you find such a file. Make a backup copy of the original file for the case you want go back to the German version of the game and replace it afterwards by the version of the zip file.

            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

