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Can't get the game to start!

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  • Can't get the game to start!

    Well just know enough about computers to get into trouble here. But dont think direct x is the problem. I have DX 7.0a and it runs on my computer just fine. Only problem i had was running the game when overclocking my processor. Once i stopped that it ran fine.

    80MB ram

  • #2
    Can't get the game to start!

    Hi, I'm a newbe to Civ:CTP and I'm having problems even getting it to run. I've done everything the CD said to do and it still doesn't want to run. All I get is the "hand" pointer and then it dumps back to desktop! I think it might be a DirectX problem, but I'm not sure tho(will it run on DX7.0a?). I have D/L'ed the 1.2 patch but that didn't help at all

    Any help would be great!

    AMD K6-2 500
    GeForce:Prophet card
    196 ram
    Aureal sound card
    updated drivers



    • #3
      Can you tell us what activision thinks the problem is, maybe also what they suggested to do. I'm not a computer tech expert but it sounds like some sort of video card incompatibility problem. If you haven't already, download your the latest drivers for your card.



      • #4
        I don't have any of my processors overclocked and all of the background progs are turned off.

        STILL no joy! I've even talked to Activision about is. I've done everything the said to do and I still can't get the game to run.

        What was the main problem for ppl with this game?



        • #5
          They don't know yet what MY problem could be. I've try'ed everyhing they said to do with the EXCEPTION of turning up the voltage for my GeForce card, it cost too much to be messing with stuff I don't know about!

          I'll put in my 'OLDE'(monster fusionII) card first.

          I've updated ALL my drivers, DX, GeForce(Dominator2Ref.), Aureal... and so far they haven't changed to out come.

          I talked to a guy at work who has the same processor/motherboard/V.card setup and he thinks it could be in my bios settings, because he has run CivII on his without problems. So I'm going to see what his is and compare them to mine. Just to see if mine are different at all.

          Thanks for the help! BTW, great forum.



          • #6

            Thanks for the info! My computer is using a Super 7 motherboard so I'd have to change out both, and lukely I use win98.

            The chip and the board, can you say expensive!$$$ It's soomething I can't afford right now, but I have been thinking about getting a PIII because of it's stronger math processor(i do alot of 3d rendering).

            We're you able to get CTP running on yours? The AMD I mean.

            Where's this ASUS forum at? I'll give it a try.



            • #7

              Although it perhaps has nothing to do with your problem I had serious problems with an AMD 500 too (in my case with a P5a motherboard).

              I bought myself a special computer to study Windows 2000. Before installing Windows 2000 I made sure (I thought) that the computer had no problems and installed W98. This worked fine (although when I installed the combination of processor and motherboard in another system later, W98 didn't work fine either). Then I installed Windows 2000 and encountered many, many problems. After several consultations with my supplier over a couple of months, I finally decided to switch to a PIII. After that all problems were gone.

              From the ASUS forums I learned that I was not the only one with this kind of problems. I also saw there lots of other problems with the AMD 500 So, AMD is out for me for a while.

              I hope you will solve your problems more smoothly,

              Franses (like Ramses).


              • #8
                Chrono, I'm having the same problem as you. I was able to use the program just fine on my last computer (PII 350MHz, 64MB, 4MB video) but when I switched to my new one (PIII 700MHz 256MB, 32MB video) it would install, play the intro video and then the hand would not allow me to click to start the game. I would like to know how to fix this. I also D/L the 1.2 patch - but to no avail. Could someone help?

