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Aaip 2

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  • Aaip 2

    I guess this message goes out to Wes.

    I was wondering with all the changes you have made with the aips for your mod, will we see a awesome aaips 2 come out that will include some of the improvements in ai behavior you have made for the med mod???


  • #2
    I completely missed this thread when it was made. Sorry about that.

    Are you wondering about an Apolyton Pack or original game version of the current Med pack aips?
    I am not sure, but I think you can use the Medpack's flis in a default game. This would have the AIs settling more efficiently, and not packing their cities in amongst themselves (at least not *all* the time). They would also place their workers better and grow their cities like they should.
    The changes to attack patterns would also be in place, though the use of more ships, for example, would not be in there, unless you used the AAips.

    I have changed the aips (which are different from the flis) so much that it would be a huge amount of work to strip all the medpack stuff out to get them to the original game.
    The name of the AAips should really have been Awesome Aidata files, but Awesome Aips sounded better.
    Gemini, try out the flis by themselves, and see if they work. Use the 3.0 ones first, and if they work, try the 4.0's. I would be interested in knowing this myself.


    • #3
      Thanks man, I'll have to try that sometime. It would be interesting.



      • #4
        Hi Guys,

        I thought that you might be interested to know that a couple of weeks ago I copied the Fli's (and ps_info.txt) from the MedMod3 to our ongoing weekly LAN game.

        Our CTP version was mainly the Apolyton Pak to which I had made a lot of minor changes. For example, I changed the values of the terrain, incorporated the Garrison triggers into SLIC, and balanced all units in a way so that each units firepower is 2 and its hitpoints are 10 (so you can easily see the units true relative strengths), but I had to balance all their other stats accordingly.

        Anyway, the Medmod 3 fli's work perfectly. As it was a game in progress (we were at turn 300 when I copied the files) I can't confirm all the improvements that you mention above Wes, however there is a definate feeling of an improved AI, and there is no doubt that Diplomacy is improved.

        Before we start our next game I intend to copy and paste over the settings from the the Medmod 3 aip's, the settings mind, not the build lists which I am happy with as is.

        I hope you dont mind Wes if I pick and choose bits of your mods like this!!



        • #5
          I put this stuff out for people to use. If you only want pieces of it, I don't mind at all. I would be interested in hearing how a multi-player game plays out with the med mod 3, though.
          I am glad to hear that the flis can be used separately from the rest of the pack.
          What exactly are you doing with the aips? I am a little fuzzy on your terminology.


          • #6
            Jim, you can't use the Build Data section from the med mod 3 with the List section from the original files. I have re-named the queues listed in the Data section (the primary, core and overflow stuff). If you tried to use them, the AIs would not build *any* units except for settlers and other special units.
            I think the build data section from the med mod 2.1 would do what you are wanting, so try it, and see how it works. Thinking about it, though, the changes to the numbers and types of units that the AIs build are specified in the Lists section by individual unit.
            Using the build data section would probably have the AIs choosing to build more conventional units and fewer special attack ones, but the numbers of conventional units built are specified in the Lists section.

            If you combined the AAips for the original game with the flis from the medpack 3, you would get most of the advantages you are seeking. This is what I would do, if I didn't want to use the whole med mod.
            [This message has been edited by WesW (edited July 18, 2000).]


            • #7

              Sorry about my confusing reference re. my intended use of the aips. (I was rushing to get to work when I posted. Logging on to Apolyton before going to work- sad I know )
              What I meant was that I shall copy and replace certain sections of the main aips with those from the med mod, specifically from PRIORITIES, thru MAX GOALS PER CITY, up to and including the BUILD DATA,- excluding all the information from the LIST NOTES on.

              I figure that I would then get the benefits of your improved AI choices for my version of the Apolyton Pak, without having to add the new units, improvements, wonders or advances.

              I realise that I will also need to check the numbers set against certain units in the Primary, Core and overflow against those you recommend, to ensure I get the increase in sea units for example , but this should be an easy task.


