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Medieval Pack 3.0 Public Release

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  • Medieval Pack 3.0 Public Release

    Below are copies of the Introduction and Installation, and 1st Readmes from the Medieval Pack 3.0. Players who have downloaded any previous version of the Medieval mod, or of the Medieval Pack betas, may delete the "Medieval" scenario from their computer. This public release verison of the modpack uses the scenario name "Med Pack 3.0". (There is no need to delete any of the aidata files or any other files that are kept in the original section of the game.)

    Introduction to the Medieval Pack 3.0
    By Wes Whitaker
    The Medieval Pack 3.0 contains a number of individual mods, which are fully integrated to provide a one-step installation process, though players will probably need to make some additional alterations. These further steps are detailed in the Miscellaneous readme. To use the Modpack, you will need to have already installed the 1.2 patch and 1.21 hack, which are available at Apolyton in the patches section. Then you need to use Winzip (not PKunzip) to unzip the components of the Pack into the Call-to-Power folder.

    1)The modpack has three versions for you to choose from. Players do not need to do anything more to use the Standard or Flat-map versions of the game. To use the "Large civs" version of the modpack, however, you will need to unzip the Med Large zip file into the Call-to-Power folder. (The game is set up for the Standard game initially.)
    2)For multi-player use of the modpack, it is necessary for all of the participants to use the same version.
    3)Zipped copies of all three versions of the game (Standard/Flat-map, Large, and Original) are contained in the Med 3 Readme folder, where this file is placed.
    If you want to switch back and forth between the three versions, such as when you go from single-player to multi-player, you will need to unzip the appropriate version into the Call-to-Power folder. (These zips contain the aidata and const.txt files that must be placed in the original section of the game in order to be used.)
    4)If you have trouble with the modpack, read the Troubleshooting Guide, which has answers to the most common problems players have encountered.

    The Medieval Pack combines those mods found in the Apolyton Pack with the Medieval mod 3.0 and customized and/or updated versions of the Awesome Aips, True Terrain 2, and Nordicus' New Trade goods mods, plus Locutus' SLIC triggers. Additionally, the modpack includes flat-map support and there will be available a number of pre-made maps for the modpack at my website in the future. Players may want to check there periodically for new maps.
    The Medieval mod 3.0 contains 4 new units, 9 new Wonders, and 27 new advances, as well as numerous smaller changes. I have totally reorganized the readme structure to explain all of the changes in the least amount of space possible. The SLIC triggers are explained in the Med 3 readme, while the new goods and their effects are listed in the Terrain sheet of the new Med charts spreadsheet.
    I have devoted many hours of time to the new readme structure, in order to make it as concise and informative as possible. You should start with the 1st Readme, which briefly explains the re-organization, and tells you which readmes need to be covered before you begin using the modpack, and in what order to read them.
    I have constructed spreadsheets which list individual unit and terrain stats, and an Advances Chart which is modeled on the one which accompianied the game. These are provided for you to print out for reference while playing the game. These files were written using Microsoft Word and Excel. For those of you who do not have these programs, there is a website listed in the 1st Readme where you can download free viewers for these programs.
    These charts allowed me to use the readmes for descriptions of general changes to the various parts of the game, to point out specific changes to unit abilities and Wonder effects, and to list odd changes that did not fit into any of the charts. The net effect of this is that the combined length of the new, recommended Pack readmes is less than half that of CD's 4.2 readme. I believe that this new approach does an excellent job of providing the user with all the info one needs to understand the modpack, without being overwhelmed with details.
    This modpack contains the efforts of many people, without whom it could not have been made. These people, and their specific contributions, are listed at the start of the Med 3 readme. Please take the time to read this, and acknowledge those people either in the Apolyton forums, or through personal emails. I know that your kind words would be appreciated.
    This concludes your introduction to the Medieval Pack 3.0. I hope you enjoy.
    Wes Whitaker


    1st readme for the Medieval Pack 3.0
    by Wes Whitaker

    This folder contains the readmes for the individual mods in the Medieval Pack, and is designed to replace any other readme folders that you might have from earlier versions of the Medieval mod. If you do not have Word or Excel, go to the site listed below, and download the free Word 97/2000 and Excel 2000 spreadsheet file viewers. They will allow you to read and print out the readmes. It is especially important that you are able to print out, or at least view, the Advances Chart. The readmes and Excel spreadsheets were made on Word 97 and Excel 97.

    Due to the large numbers of individual mods that the Medieval Pack contains, I have listed below the readmes that I believe *need* to by read by users of this pack. This is in no way a comment upon the quality or importance of the other mods contained in the pack. It is simply a guide to users who may feel overwhelmed and/or confused by the large numbers of readmes contained in the Med readme folder. The changes made by the mods in the pack not listed here are generally visual (Harlan's graphics mod), or informational (PowerSLICs), and thus it not *necessary* that users read them to understand the changes to stats and other aspects of gameplay .

    Note: Nothing needs to be done in order to implement any of the individual mods in this pack. (This means you can ignore the installation instructions listed in their readmes.)

    Suggested order of reading is:

    1)Misc. readme- This file describes the changes users need to make to individual files in the modpack, and suggested changes that users with slower computers may want to take to enhance AI performance. It also tells you of our changes to the settings for pollution and environmental disasters, how to print out the Advances chart, and lists the color scheme used throughout the Med mod readmes, as well as a few other miscellaneous items.
    2)MP notes- this tells you of the features added by other mods which are not readily apparent when playing the game.
    3)CD readme- This file details the changes made by Celestial Dawn, whose 4.2 mod forms the core from which the rest of the pack is built around. I have marked in red the changes that I have reversed, in yellow the ones that I have partially reversed, and in green the changes that I have expanded. Some unit stats have been altered as well, but nearly all of CD's changes still remain intact, which is a testament to his work.
    4)Terrain readme- This file describes all the changes made to terrain and tile improvement stats.
    5)Med 3.0 readme- This file describes the new SLIC triggers, lists the general changes made to units, govs, difficulty levels, advances, wonders, improvements, etc. in addition to those made by CD.
    6)Large civs readme (optional)- This file describes the changes made to the Standard version of the modpack to accomodate the special conditions present when playing games which result in large civs (generally greater than 16 cities in the initial expansion phase of the game).

    I highly recommend that you print out the charts contained in the Med charts Excel spreadsheet document, and especially the Advances Chart Word document.
    (The changes I have made to CD's govt. settings are noted in pink. I also inserted the workday, wages and rations lists from the E7 sheet, and deleted some of the Original Govt Ranking, to keep the file printout to two pages.)

    When you are somewhat familiar with the mod, I would suggest you go over the readmes once again, as it is almost impossible to retain all of the pertinant information which is contained in them the first time through.

    Be sure and let us know how you liked the modpack!

  • #2
    This modpack is currently available in three components at my homepage, accessible through the link at the top of this post.

