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Ecology damage is killing me

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  • Ecology damage is killing me

    Hi everybody!

    I'm an old Civ hand that finally broke down and bought the planetary pack. I fired up SMAX at Transcend, counting on my Civ skills to carry me through and promptly got stomped. Ok, thought I, and restarted at Thinker. Now this was more like it - I snagged all Secret Projects, built a kicking army (gotta love em' choppers!) and went off the powerscale (I'm, like, ten times bigger and uglier than the next guy). I've just entered the future tech SMAX equivalents and I've eradicated all but two of the opposing factions - both of whom will be dead within ten turns. I now look forward to beating the enemy down to one paltry city, research like mad and building the Transcedence SP the last turn before the turnlimit expires (I'm at 2391). But instead of this cosy scenario; I will probably die - the pollusion is killing me, and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it.

    Now here is the deal; my setup is Thinker, large, arid, average native, average erosion, 70-90% ocean, no bell curve. I play as Zak. Spartans and Hive left, but that's no big deal - the'll be dead soon enough. I was fortunate enough to start on the largest continent on the planet and once I did away with that UN guy I've had it all to myself. I have like 20 cities with 16 pop each on this continent. I also have a couple of other cities around the world, so that my choppers can get to the front without carries. (I've only took those cities that I needed as forward bases - all other cities have been burnt to the ground). The problem; all my pop 16 cities are generating 20-50 eco damage each turn. And I am rewarded with 2 or 3 worm bombs (with 10-20 stacked worms) each turn. What can I do about that? It's slowly killing me, because I simply can't put out enough troops to kill them all.

    Here is what I've tried so far: I'm running Green and Cybernetic netting me a +4 planet rating. I have built all eco upgrades in all cities (treefarms, hybrid forests, preserves, temples of planet). I have 32 hydroponic sats in orbit and my city populations are mostly all transcend - no city has a mineral output that is larger than 15. I have nothing but forests (and a lot of fungus now...), no boreholes, farms or condensers. I have _not_ built the last two SPs that give extra minerals to cities. I have not built those domes that would allow the cities to expand beyond 16 pop. I have built no factories whatsoever in my cities. And still the eco damage is sky-high!

    Waters have been on the rise since forever, so my formers are out raising land like crazy. But the sea is raising faster still, and the worms are eating into my former armies like there was no tomorrow. So what, pray tell, can I do? Frankly, this is kind of boring, since all my efforts are wasted and there seems to be nothing I can do about it.

    Additional question: like I said i have 32 hydrosats and 16 pop cities. Since every pop should need 2 nutrients/turn I thought that I would be able to run all-transcend cities. Not so; I need a couple of guys working in every city to prevent starvartion. Why is this? Even it I ignore starvation and put all the people into transcend I _still_ net myself like 15-20 eco damage. It just seems hopless. Am I correct to assume this means that the only way of winning is to have a billion small cities? I find the micromanagement that entails too boring and was quite pleased with having my 20 big cities before the eco troubles started.

    Please, anyone out there who know what's up with this - share your insights! I've just downloaded the excellent guide by Vel, but there doesn't seem to be anything about how to deal with pollution in it.

    "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
    "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.

  • #2
    And I managed to post this to the wrong forum. Disregard, please!
    "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
    "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.

