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I'm jealous....

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  • I'm jealous....

    Hi gang

    i've posted a few times to the SMAC forums, and once or twice here asking for help. You see I can't install CTP to my system, but i've come to the conclusion that my disk has been damaged in some way.

    Its frustrating. I've played SMAC enough that I've become bored with it (at least for awhile...I go through phases with games) I really am envious of all of you who are able to play CTP right now. I haven't for months. I uninstalled it months ago when it crashed on me. Yep, I was pissed off, like many people are at its bugginess. I did have the latest patches installed, but I was angry. But I miss the game. Its got its faults but its also got its charms. I've never installed the mods but I plan too, when I get a new copy. (I've ordered one, but I'm on a rather isolated military'll take more time than I really want to wait!)

    So in addition to just my rambling, I've read a few threads indicating that game time can be slowed down a bit. I hope thats true because I hated it when I finally got a good military of musketeers and the like and all of a sudden I could build machine gunners. I never got to use the muskies well! I've never built the AI entity but a lot of people think its dangerous...why? I don't know and I hope some person will answer my question.

    Take care all, and i hope to be able to join you soon with my own CTP musings.

    "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown

  • #2
    As I mentioned before, I believe it may or may not be a problem with the media.

    If it isn't, and you're willing to give some more troubleshooting a try, then maybe I can assist... I've quite the background in desktop support. Can you start right at the beginning, and furnish me with the following information:

    Error messages if applicable.
    Processor type
    Amount of memory
    Graphics Card, and driver version.
    Sound Card, and driver version.
    Direct X version
    Any hardware, other than the above, and generic stuff like hard disks. The CD may be of interest, though, I guess

    Software installed (and in particular)
    Antivirus software
    System Utility software

    Version of Windows
    if windows 95 or 98 the version, and any system fixes made
    if win nt/2000, service pack version

    A list of any other problems running software, even though it may not apparently be connected.

    A list of the steps that you've taken to remedy the situation yourself, or steps that other people have tried.

    Please be as specific as posssible. I can't guarantee a result... but I shall give it a shot.

    Also... how comfortable are you with installs and so on? Do you have a mechanism for backups? I assume you have install disks for the operating system and all other pertinent software. I'm not saying that a reinstall is necessary, but sometimes, it works when you can't find the problem (or correct the problem in the case of an OS system file.)

    BTW... the best place to take this thread may be 'CtP Help', since you've got our attention now (or mine anyway.)
    [This message has been edited by TheLimey (edited July 11, 2000).]


    • #3
      Thnaks for the offer, Mr. Limey

      I think it is the disk though. I borrowed a friends disk and it installed easily. I can still use my disk to play once his disk installed the program, but to be sure I was correct I brought my disk to work and tried to install it on several machines here. Same lock up problem.

      I've ordered a new one at the local PX, and the guy there says he can probably squirrel one up in a few days for me on the cheap. But thanks for your offer, I really do appreciate it.

      "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown

