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Science on Deity-level

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  • Science on Deity-level

    I'm finding it very hard to follow the other nations when it comes to science. Although in my last game I coped with it to set my major cities for max science, building a couple science-wonders, and building spies.
    I also tried to go as fast as possible to Democracy.
    Now my science is reasonable, but i'm still not quite satisfied...
    Any tips from some die-hard-deity-players???

  • #2
    Build up marketplaces, banks, city clocks (in towns that are bigger then 5), aiports, etc., anything that generates money, especially in your trade centers.
    “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

    ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


    • #3
      Money = science.
      Get your trade up !
      veni vidi PWNED!


      • #4
        Also keep an eye on the gold generated vs. the cost of those improvements. Its possible to reduce the amount of science you generate by costly science improvements and so on, provided the city is not of a sufficient size to get benefit.

        With the later improvements, generally speaking, the bigger the city the better.

        Public works are pretty much the key to great gold, since they are the base gold thats multiplied by all those improvements. If you mine (using the cheapest sort of mine) plains. This generates 5 gold (At least it does on the Med Mod). Rivers on plains are good, as are forests. Also the better the mine on a mountain, the better the gold generated.

        Go for the London Exchange as soon as possible. Its easily the best wonder in the game (unbalancingly so in unmodified versions.)

        The Nanopedia is a fantastic late game wonder, which doubles the effectiveness of specialists. Try converting a few workers into merchants in your trade centers and watch the money pile up.

        Lastly, if you really NEED more money but don't have a bunch of public works, or gold improvements coming up, try lowering your production hours or upping the ration sliders, one notch and decrease the wages one notch. You have to counter the decrease in wages by increasing something else, or you'll be in for happiness problems. Conversely if you have a gold surplus, which after following my own advice, I do, you can increase the wages by a notch to give you room to increase the work week or decrease rations.


        • #5
          ...or just don't play CtP!! it sucks anyway!


          • #6
            or alternatively, you could stop being a pointless and annoying little troll and leaving bait.

            Civ2 sucks so tremedously comparitively to CtP now, that I'd never consider playing it.

            To summarize Civ2 'now'...

            Governements are paper thin in concept...
            Strategy is weak...
            Tactics are weak...
            The AI is feable...
            The graphics are crude...
            The hard coded behaviors of the units are lame...
            The game limits (map size, city numbers, unit numbers) are laughable...
            Combat is ridiculous (any civ game without real stacking combat is...)
            AI cheats are blantant and rampant, and you have to resort to ridiculous challenges like OCC to give yourself a challenge... (or play a scenario so the cards are stacked against you in other ways)

            CtP is like a rose in comparison.

