So if I use the // infront of the trigger or fix in the med mod 5.0 beta script.slc file then the cruise missile will once again beable to take out complete stacks and capture cities?
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!!!! ERROR with med mod beta 5.0 !!!! WES Help me
No, you won't be able to do that. The slic trigger only solves the problem that cruise missiles could bombard and then fly back to a nearby airfield or aircraft carrier (and thus be used again in the next turn). The slic trigger will kill the cruise missile after it has bombarded the enemy unit, so disabling the slic trigger allows you to bombard the enemy and then fly the missile back to an airfield or carrier if you have movement points left.
This is starting to get wacko
I didn't really make much sense to me either why it would be a bombarding unit. Is that correct, that it can take out a stack of nine units??
I haven't played the game for quite some time cos I'm still working on my scenario but I did check it out and there are a couple flags you can add in the unit.txt file.
SINGLE_USE // after it has attacked it's destroyed
Won't this fix the problem?
I just looked in my units.txt file for the med mod beta 5.0, both the flags you have suggested are in the cruise missile section.
############## special flags #############################
What is the bombard rounds flag, and why is it 30 ?
I just used the // to cut out the trigger fix for the cruise missile in the script.slc file. During play the missile does not destroy a whole stack but takes it down by one each time a missile is fired at it. The missile cannot capture cities.
The only problem I found was the missile could return to its place of origin after it had bombarded but only if the place it had been fired from was one tile away.
Is everyone experiencing the crash to desktop error for the cruise missile in the new med mod 5.0beta ?? It's not just me is it????????
The below is an excerpt from Celestial Dawn's readme, which I included in the Medpack readmes. I seem to remember reading a more detailed explanation of the change to bombardment a long time ago, but if it's not in some other protion of the readme, I don't know where it might be.
Myself, I think that having it bombard rather than use a normal attack makes the most sense. Cruise Missiles are like guided bombs, not bombers.
Since AIs don't use the Cruise Missile, see no problem with leaving this bug in, if it comes to that. If players want to cheat against the AIs, there are much more effective ways of doing it than exploiting this particular feature. I can put a mention of it in the readme, if no one can find a good solution to this problem.
The Cruise Missile now uses the Bombard attack, instead of Assault. The Cruise Missile is guaranteed to kill or do significant damage to lone units or a stack containing no Active Air Defenders.
It is also cheap (500) – it’s easier (and faster) to get 9 of these produced from multiple cities than to have a single Space Marine (4500) produced from 1 city. Not to mention that 9 Cruise Missiles cause hell of a lot more damage than a single Space Marine.
Apart from destruction, it has a number of other uses – as a decoy for enemy Air Defense and for Submarines to cripple/sink pursuing enemy Destroyers.
Its main drawback of course is its limited range – which means an increased emphasis on delivery systems, as it is in real life.
Ganja, I'm not having any errors with the cruise missile and I haven't heard of anyone else having such problems, so I guess it's only you. Could you perhaps e-mail me your script.slc so that I could see if there might be something wrong with it?
Dumb question but what version are you using Ganja. Did you get the 1.2 patch for ctp. Sorry if you answered this before but I can't remember and it's important to know because some of the slic functions or built in variable may only work with version 1.2 .
[This message has been edited by gemini (edited June 15, 2000).]
From time to time I have the same kind of errors.
If I restart the game (even after cold boot of the pc) the game goes crash.
Then for a couple of months ago, I noticed a file named save.dat in the ctp_program/ctp folder, typical with a time-stamp short before the crash.
I tried to delete this file - and was able just to restart the game. No crash anymore.
From that time, I always start looking in the ctp folder for that file. If I see it, I delete it. And the game does not crach half the times it used to.
[This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited June 15, 2000).]First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.