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!!!! ERROR with med mod beta 5.0 !!!! WES Help me

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  • !!!! ERROR with med mod beta 5.0 !!!! WES Help me

    I was armed to the teeth with a stealth sub loaded with 4 cruise missiles. The Aussie city was about to become mine. Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom the 4 cruise missiles launched from the sub headed for the downtown town area, on impact....... THE DAMN GAME CRASHES TO DESKTOP !!!! ERROR - NO OBJECT ID XXXX can you believe this..biggest problem, I hadn't saved the game for about three hours.

    I was using the new med mod beta 5.0, does anyone know what the problem is?? I dont know wether to even play the game again because it may always go wrong. Can I start a new game and implement the fix at a later date??

  • #2
    Paul have you tried multiple attacks with the cruise missle or just one cruise missle attack. The problem may be that it's not killing the missles fast enough. Just a guess.



    • #3
      Thanks for the replies brothers with arms.

      Can I start a new game and when I know what the fix is implement this into my new game?

      And, how do you edit the slic file without having to go into dos and renaming the file to .txt ??


      • #4
        You can open the slc file with any txt editor.


        • #5
          Gemini may have a point there. Did your problem occur on the first cruise missile attack or only when you had multiple missiles attack shortly after each other? In the latter case you could easily solve the problem by waiting a second before attacking with the next cruise missile.

          Otherwise, any fix to this can't be used in existing games because the slic code is saved with the game. That means that changes in the script will only affect new games that were started after you made the changes.


          • #6
            Yep the game crashed when I used a multiple attack. I have not tried a single attack yet, guess thats what I'll have to do for now, until a fix is made.

            What txt editor can I use??


            • #7
              You could use wordpad or notepad. Something like that.



              • #8
                Any text editor you want except Notepad because script.slc is too big for Notepad. I use Notepad++, a freeware text editor that replaces Notepad and can handle larger files and has some other little things that Notepad doesn't have. But you can also use Windows' Wordpad to edit script.slc. Just make sure that you save it as plain text.


                • #9

                  I'm going to try launching an attack with single cruise missiles. I'll tell you what happens.


                  • #10
                    Wish you luck!!!!!!!!!



                    • #11
                      Nope, still crashes to desktop with only a single cruise missile bombard

                      Any new suggestions ??


                      • #12
                        Do you wanna send me your script slc file. I think it should be in your scenario\default\gamedata folder.

                        Here's my e-mail address.


                        I'm at work right now so I can't promise you any miracles. But I'll take a look.

                        [This message has been edited by gemini (edited June 13, 2000).]


                        • #13
                          Thanks man, I have sent the script file to you


                          • #14
                            Just got it!!



                            • #15
                              Sorry for replying so late, the combination of EURO2000, FlatMaps, my study and a busy personal live

                              As for your problem, Gemini was probably right (as usual). My theory is that the game tries to access either too many objects at a time or the same object (or a part of it) several times at once. What exactly happens is something only Mr Ogre (or some other Actigrammer) can tell us, but it isn't all that important.
                              I already experienced this problem when trying to attack with the missile and kill it at the same time and I solved it by making in a delay between the attacking and the building. I don't know if there's a real solution for it except for waiting a moment before attacking again, I'll have a look as fast as I can. The problem is either with attacking too many missiles at once or accessing the timer several times at once (I think the first probably can't be solved, the second hopefully can).
                              If you want to disable the code, you'll have to go into script.slc (I assume this is where Wes put the trigger, I haven't had the time to look at the latest beta) and search for the triggers called 'MissileBugFix' and 'MissileBugFixTimer' (should be underneath each other) and outcomment those by putting '//' in front of every line of those triggers (a triggers starts with the line that contains the word trigger and the title and ends with the last '}' before the next trigger or messagebox or whatever follows the trigger - usually the contents of the trigger is preceded with a few spaces/tabs).

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