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Normal maps vs. Huge maps

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  • #16
    I am glad that you guys making your own changes to the texts. I knew that Nordicus had his own stuff for his world map, and that some others had changed bits and pieces.

    The ultimate purpose of this thread was to design variations of the Med mod for use with big maps, big civs, and a combo of the two.
    I would be happy if one or more of you who play on these big maps would take over the creation of these variations. This was just something that I would be doing on the side, and it would be basically making changes, sending them out, and asking "Is this what you want?" It would work better if this was being handled by some one who actually used these maps sizes and/or civ settings.
    Nordicus, I know that you have a pretty good understanding of the texts, and have already made many, if not most, of the necessary changes. Therefore, if you are not tied down with something else, you would be my recommendation as the one to put this together.
    I would keep track of the discussion, and pitch in when you needed work done on the aips or flis or whatnot. For instance, if you change the distance unhappiness setting, you would want to change the fli setting that makes the AIs start making roads when they hit 5 cities.

    So, tell me what you think about this.


    • #17

      I did not mention capitol distance--but thanks for reminding me, that's another thing which needs looking at; the barbarian settings are merely what I like to play with, although it stands to reason that if you keep the number of barbarians the same and increase the map size greatly, the "threat" from barbarians is drastically reduced. I noticed this right away when I moved up: I think it was 200 or so AD before a barbarian tried to attack one of my cities (and by that time, it was still a warrior, travelling alone, and my units were absurdly more sophistocated--there was no "threat" all game, for any civ), but when I made them smarter, stronger, and attacking in greater numbers (stacks), then they were quite a pain in the ass for everyone, even me.


      You're right, DiffDB has nothing whatsoever to do with maps or numbers of civs and so should not be altered for this purpose.

      Wes, the main problem (I see) is not the altering of the text files; it's getting enough feedback from people to attempt to arrive at a set-up or two which the majority of people will like...or getting very little before the this is released (such as with my trade goods mod), having to assume & presume & and basically guess it thru by yourself, and then receive questions, complaints, and feedback after it's released....

      But am in the process of freeing up a lot of my time here, so I will be very interested in something like this. Count me in.

      I am beginning a new map today, and it will take the entire weekend, because I don't have a functional earth world on which to play, and I would very much like to start playing the game again!

      Because of the inputs I added in the fli files for larger maps, it is possible to change how the AI behaves if it is in fact a larger world it's in....Just a thought.


      For instance, if you change the distance unhappiness setting, you would want to change the fli setting that makes the AIs start making roads when they hit 5 cities.

      Yes, of course. Maybe drop that to 4, because cities will be farther apart, having so much more space avaliable. The way the AI settles has to be increased as well--with more room out there, it doesn't need to pack itself so's self-defeating for the AI to do that since it cannot captilize on all the resourses in its vicinity.

      Sure, I'll do. Who wants to help?--someone who is more familiar with the Med mod than I (seeing how I have yet to play it)....


      "There can be no maximum of creation without a concomitant maximum of destruction, no supreme good without supreme evil"--Heller, paraphrasing Nietzsche.


      "The more passion for the argument, the less evidence for it"--Russel.

      [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited May 04, 2000).]
      Existence is Futile.


      • #18
        Hey Nordicus!

        You can count me in! I don't (yet) have the hardware to support the oversized maps beyond 90x180, but I can certainly handle some testing. I probably have less knowledge of the Med Mod than a lot of folks around here, but I am willing to play it to fill in the gaps. My work sometimes kicks in (like it has over the past 2 months) where I have no free time, but I don't think that will happen for several months now.

        I think that you are right - the changes will end up being something that will be a "best guess" for oversized maps that people can test out and comment on. I suppose that it would still be a good thing if we can make some "basic changes" that others can quickly and easily personalize for their own use.

        Good luck with your new map!


        • #19
          Hey, Chuck...

          How is it going?

          That's good to hear. What kinda system do ya have? Is it just very slow with, say, a 198 X 396 map, or is it really intolerable? I recall you played a little on that last earth map I was that?

          Yeah, well, shouldn't be too difficult--the changes (and the changes to the changes) have been steady as I moved up in size, and I doubt a lot of people will want to play on 246 X 492 size of map, but roughly half that size is a 134 X 268 map (having 35,912 tiles), which is still much bigger than the largest default CtP map size (70 X 140, with 9,800 tiles)....

          The thing to do, I suppose, would be to find out what size of map everyone plays on...but there have been a couple of polls about that, and no one would say!
          Maybe I'll try it again.

          Here again are all the map sizes I've inputted...

          24 X 48 map(size_of_world, 1152)
          32 X 64 map(size_of_world, 2048)
          48 X 96 map(size_of_world, 4608)
          64 X 128 map(size_of_world, 8192)
          70 X 140 map(size_of_world, 9800)
          86 X 172 map(size_of_world, 14792)
          102 X 204 map(size_of_world, 20808)
          118 X 236 map(size_of_world, 27848)
          134 X 268 map(size_of_world, 35912)
          150 X 300 map(size_of_world, 45000)
          166 X 332 map(size_of_world, 55112)
          182 X 364 map(size_of_world, 66248)
          198 X 396 map(size_of_world, 78408)
          214 X 428 map(size_of_world, 91592)
          230 X 460 map(size_of_world, 105800)
          246 X 492 map(size_of_world, 121032)

          Oh, haven't even started my new map yet! Been putting together the Aip-Specific stuff. It's pretty much done, except for diplomacy

          Existence is Futile.


          • #20

            I’m glad that you are back!

            I played your 246x492 world map up to about 1500 AD on a PII 233, 128MB RAM system. It was ok at first and slowed to the point where the AI was taking over 10 minutes per turn by then. I only had 24 Civs playing in that game, which left a LOT of room for expansion. The game wasn’t slow during my turns, of course. I left the game there because it was just too slow.

            I have found 90x180 and 12 Civs is pretty much the optimum for my system. I would imagine that most everyone has superior systems than what I have. So it looks like you are right – something around 130x260 range maybe the best place to start. Using simple math, that size of map should accommodate 25 Civs. Perhaps we can focus on maps around this size and then later see about what changes would be needed for even bigger maps, like your 246x492.

            I have wondered about the max city sizes. In the past, I have adjusted this value up when playing on a 90x180 map. But I left them alone in my last game and I am wondering if it is better to leave them alone. It just seemed a little more realistic to me as I would have needed more than just military might to conquer the world. Well, it’s my first thought for this project.



            • #21
              I have made following changes (to WES'mods) - playing on map size 240x480, 14 civs incl babarians, map ruler for goods put on level 4 (fewer goods than default):


              percent river 40
              river length 25
              scaled_pop 10.000, 30.000 50.000, 100.000 and 250.000
              map_size 96x192, 192x386, 240x480 and 288x576

              Big map demands better (faster) ways to explorer and get contact to others civs. This is done by changing the river values.
              Don't like default values for pop.
              Like big maps (no. 2 and 3 size are best. Will change no. 1 and 4, don't think even my pc can handle the biggest with more that 6-8 civs (and that ridiculos - you will never find the other civs on such a map)).


              cities_thresholds: 1000, 15, 22, 40, 35, 100, 80, 80, 250, 300, 300, 400 and 350.

              Only the cities_threshold are changed. I didn't want to change the values for the empire_distance, course it would simply be to easy to settle far from the capitol if the "distance-penalty" was lowered. Meaning that IF you want to settle far away from you homeland, you have to make a temple IMMIDIATELY and theater, aquaduct + colliseum short after. In other word, you can't settle anywhere you meet a "confused tribe" if you're poor.


              vision_range for listeningsposts, radar and sonar_buyos changed to 5, 3 and 4.

              Simply because....... that's the way I like it, ah-ha. AI are using listeningsposts.....but I'm not so sure about radar and sonar_buyos.


              Only changed values for 1 (the last) for each map size:

              Values are more or less like this (60-80 means that map_num_continent varies from 60 to 80):
              60-80, 5-6, 5-6, 35-40, 70-80, 12-16, 4-6, 8-12, 0.6, 0.5, 25, 0, 1.0, 7-9.

              Seems like these settings gives some very playable maps (water, cannals, islands and 1 or 2 continents made of 3-5 subcontinents.


              shield_costs 150
              max_move 300

              costs 250
              move 400

              move 500
              capacity 3

              costs 600
              move 700
              capacity 3

              costs 800
              move 1000
              capacity 5

              costs 800
              move 700

              costs 1500
              move 1000
              obsolute_advance NULL

              costs 2000(!)
              defence 200
              move 1000

              costs 800
              move 1200
              obsolute NULL

              costs 2250
              attack 400
              defense 200
              move 900

              move 1200

              costs 1600
              move 1100

              costs 400
              move 600

              costs 400
              move 600

              costs 500
              attack 60
              defense 60
              cant_build DELETED

              costs 1000
              attack 80
              defense 100
              move 1500
              obsolute NULL

              costs 1300
              move 1800
              obsolute NULL

              C17 transport
              costs 1000
              point 1000
              move 2500
              fuel 2500
              shield_hunger 30
              capacity 2
              cant_build DELETED

              obsolute NULL

              costs 2250
              size med

              costs 1800
              defense 120
              move 1500
              fuel 3000

              costs 800
              defense 40
              obsolute NULL

              capacity 5 (from 9)

              move 3 (has to be faster).

              mobile sam
              defense 50
              obsolute NULL

              move 600
              fuel 501
              obsolute NULL

              tank, paratrooper, marines
              obsolute NULL

              vision_range 6
              move 500

              move 40 (makes them more usefull - gives a move of 4 on maglevs)

              costs 480


              Well - most because I like to see (and use) many units. I prefer modern units though they are relative easy victims to the AI's.

              In general, modern units has no obsolute advance, meaning that you can build marines, tanks and mobile SAM during hole the high-tech part of the game. Except for the submarine.....
              First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



              • #22
                Woodstock, *will* the AIs build post-Modern units if the Modern-age ones are still available? From CD's comments, he thought that the AIs would always choose the older units when given a choice, at least until they filled out their unit quotas.


                • #23
                  No - the AIs tends to build the high-tech units. They DO build modern units, but as far as I can see, its a matter of costs.

                  In a long-going war against an AI, I was met with hoovertanks and plasmas at the start. Later on, it also used mobile sams, tanks and marines to fight against me.

                  Seems like the AI is calculating whether or not it can afford to rush-buy more expensive units or has to build cheaper ones - but I'm not sure yet. Need to go through some more wars.
                  First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                  • #24
                    One thing more.....

                    Something has to be ajusted. In my recent game, I have gained more advances by ruins than by "hard work", exchanges and Edisons lab (the 3 last all together)!

                    Of course the reason is, that I'm investigating every one black spot I can find - therefore I also find most of the ruins. The AIs are not that aggressive in investigation 30-50 tiles away from their homelands and on islands.

                    What should we do - and where?

                    - the number of ruins to be reduced?
                    - or make the AI more interessed to investigate unknown lands?


                    Woodstock was here!
                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • #25
                      To reduce the ruins go into the file risks.txt and edit that. The chances will add upto just under 1 the rest of the chance being the chance of nothing being there.


                      • #26
                        I am going to give the other parts of the Med pack a rest for right now, and try to construct the "large maps/large civs" verison of the modpack. I have made notes from all the posts in this thread, and will go through Madwoodster's files shortly. If any of you have any other suggestions, you had best get them in here!


                        • #27
                          Well, it didn't take all that long to make the needed changes to the text files. I have not made any changes to the aidata files, as I am still adjusting them for the main mod. The only changes I would make at this time would be to try to get the AIs to keep expanding beyond the number of cities that they do currently.

                          For those of you who play with large numbers of civs, meaning that standard civ size is about normal, I think that the standard game files should transfer nicely to this type of game. Trying to win by bloodlust would be much harder because of city limits and pollution problems.

                          Anyway, below I have pasted the readme I put together for the large civs version of the mod. I don't plan on making any further adjustments to the five files listed here, so I won't have to re-do any of them in the future. If I have missed anything that you feel should be included, let me know, and I will put it in, or state why I think the current settings are best.

                          Large Maps Readme for the Medieval Pack 3.0
                          By Wes Whitaker

                          This file describes the general changes made to text files to better suit playing on large and gigantic maps.

                          Thanks to MadWoodster, TheBirdMan, Nordicus and the others who participated in the Huge Maps thread at Apolyton.

                          The length of mountain ranges increased.
                          Starting distance between civs raised from 15 to 25 tiles.
                          The time given to the AI to take their turns raised by 40%.
                          The terrain "box" that is used to place ruins raised from 6x6 to 8x8. This means there there will be only about half as many ruins on a given map as there were previously.
                          The amount of pollution a civ has to produce to result in anarchy raised from 2,000 to 3,000.
                          The level at which an eco-pact is broken raised from 150 to 225.
                          The chance of learning an advance from capturing a city lowered from 50% to 30%.
                          The number of people represented by each city pop lowered for the Modern and post-Modern ages.

                          I adjusted the timeline, shortening the number of years in each turn for the first 100 turns, and lengthening them in later eras. This will give the effect of the Ancient and Medieval eras lasting longer, while later eras will seem to pass by faster.
                          I reduced the number of advances that the human and AIs may be given at the start of the game.

                          Basically, I reduced the chances of getting good things from ruins, and reduced the amount of gold you receive on Raging Hordes setting by about 40%, on average. I left the Barbarian settings alone.

                          I raised the threshold for disasters on large and huge maps by about 40%.

                          I reduced the empire distance scale by about 30% to 40%, and increased the max empire distance by about the same amount.
                          I raised the too many cities threshold and the war discontent max units by 50%, and reduced the penalty for violating these limits by 30% to 40%.

                          I reduced the movement costs by 30% to 50% for all land types, and 25% for ocean types.
                          Grassland: 0.66
                          Plains: 0.66
                          Tropical Grass.: 1.0
                          Forests: 1.0
                          Jungles: 1.5
                          Hills: 1.33
                          Mountains: 2.0
                          Deserts: 1.0
                          Tundra: 1.0
                          Glaciers: 2.0
                          Ocean: 0.75


                          • #28
                            And in my games, I gave the Diplomat a movement of 400 instead of 200. That also makes the Dip better than the Noble (I also use him as scout).
                            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                            • #29
                              Glad my files were of use, will try out your suggestions, when I get a chance, but having just finished my 2nd year degree exams, and now starting a summer job on Monday, time is not easy to come by, oh well just have to not sleep. Will let you know if I come accross anything of use, good luck with the AI files, I can only just about get the AI to build improvements I create (even then I'm not sure they are building it correctly, will have to dig through the various threads here at some point)


                              • #30
                                Check out my latest post in the 5.0 beta thread for the latest info on the "Large" version of the modpack.

