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big world map

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  • big world map

    Does anyone have a large (approximately 140x280 or so) world map or know where I could get one? I really don't want to have to make it myself, cause I am not good at making real world maps. I know maputility 1.1 doesn't work with ctp, or I would make one with that. Thanks for any info.

  • #2
    I have emailed you 2 world maps which are 140x280. If you have a different Civ2 map you want to use, let me know. One is World-140x280 and you load it like a saved game. The other is World-140x280.inp and you load it via the chat window. On both maps, you will have to go into cheat mode, show the map, set the starting locations, trade items, etc and turn it into a scenario. If you want more than 8 Civs you will have to import it via the cheat menu into a game with the number of Civs you want.

    If you don't know how to do that, I can but I have to get my FlatMap Packs done first so it will be a little while before I can.

    CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


    • #3
      Many many thanks, I did not want to have to make one myself. How did you go about making it anyway? Just curious, it would be useful to know. And yes, I know how to import it through the cheat menu. Again, thanks alot.

