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A year late,but should i buy

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  • A year late,but should i buy

    Hi all, I have been curious about CTP since I heard about it over a year ago, but my finances have made it so that my game buying is VERY discriminating. I mean, I don't have the money to carelessly spend on a game to "take a chance".

    I am a very big fan of civ2 and alpha centauri. I was wondering about what fellow civ players have to say about CTP.

    Is it worth buying for a civ2 fan?

    Any insight is greatly appreciated.


    While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.

  • #2
    There's quite a few people around who'll tell you to avoid it like the plague (and probably make this a huge thread). Mind you, it sold some huge number of copies (quarter of a million?), and personally I've got my money's worth.

    I know this isn't going to be a terribly inventive suggestion, but if you're able to check it out on a friend's computer or something, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea.

    - MKL
    - mkl


    • #3
      With the mods available it is a great game, without them it struggles, see the newbies guide to mods


      • #4
        Wait for CTP 2. They never finished CTP and I'm pretty displeased about it.

        It's playable with the mods, especially CD's, but you have do a bunch of really bogus stuff to switch from mod to mod. Or you have to get some VBA program (available at Apolyton) and use it when you want to change mods. Activision really needed to release one more patch before going on to CTP 2.

        Oh, yeah, and wait at least 6 months after the release of CTP 2 (or any new game) before buying. Always some stinking marketing weenie pushing product out the door before the code is finished or tested.

        In concluding, CTP has lots of new features (stacked combat, unconventional warfare units, undersea cities, outer space cities, etc) and some of these things were very well implemented (by CD, Wes and others, not Activision), but because the whole scenario/mod structure is a major kludge (that has been repaired by the players, not the authors) I would spend my gaming dollars elsewhere.

        Big Dave
        Any flames in this message are solely in the mind of the reader.


        • #5
          Don't know if you where headed that way, but I'm not one of the Civ 2.5'ers. I like to let each game stand or fall on it's own merits.

          At the risk of getting off topic in this thread there are alot of things I liked about CTP. If Activision pays any attention to what we've been asking for then CTP 2 will be an excellent game. My main gripe is that they didn't finish programming CTP, they let the fans do it. They don't deserve to get paid for that. CD, WesW, Nordicus and too many others to mention deserve to get paid for all the hours of work they've put into this product to finish it.

          Big Dave
          Any flames in this message are solely in the mind of the reader.


          • #6
            Well, I like CtP right out of the box just fine. The mods make it that much better. Since you are a fan of Civ2 and SMAC, I would say buy CtP if you like TBS and get AoE2:AoK if you like RTS games. In any case, forget what you know about Civ2 and be prepared to learn a different type of game. Many people that don't like CtP simply don't know how to work the game. They thought they were getting Civ2.5 and they just trashed it when they realized this was not the case.
            CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


            • #7
              Avoid it like you would avoid the plague


              • #8
                I agree it could have used more playtesting before release. But considering at this time its not unusual to see the game selling for 20-25 dollars at software stores, and with the mods that people here spent hundreds of hours doing, its well worth it i think.


                • #9
                  I have never played any of the other Civilization games, but I did like Call to Power alot, I would say buy it. I especially like how they included religion as a big part of the game, most games or entertainment things wouldn't put religion into a game, because they would fear being persecuted, and I respect the makers of Call to Power alot for standing by their beliefs and including religion as an important aspect of history.


                  • #10
                    Just to be short and sweet-
                    Out of the box CtP is ordinary, except maybe in multiplayer.
                    With the Medieval Pack, it's the better than anything else out there. Find it for $20, get the Med Pack, and enjoy it. I really don't think you will be sorry.

