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About celebration, martial law et.c.

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  • About celebration, martial law et.c.

    Thera are a couple of things I haven't really understood, and where the manual doesn't seem to help:

    1) What is "celebration"? What are its causes and consequences? It seems to be caused by happiness and lead to increase in population. But more in detail...

    2) What is "martial law"? Is it about some military units making city riots less likely?

    3) Sometimes (!) I can't research Religion from the start! It is generally so, that sometimes some advances are not available for research in the science dialoge, although according to the great library, it should be. Often, an advance is available in one turn, but if I choose to research another advance, it isn't available again in the next turn! So I don't know what advance will be available when and therefor I can't plan my science as I want. It all seems so random.

    Is this simply a bug?

    Very grateful for any help

  • #2
    The science list only gives you a certain number of 'possible' advances every time a new thing has been discovered. I know this is strange but thats the way it is. It probably cam from civ2 when after a certain dificulty level it only let you research certain advances, which are chosen at random.
    [This message has been edited by johnc (edited April 25, 2000).]
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    • #3
      Hi Wiking!

      1) Your cities celebrate you from time to time, when they are very happy. I think happiness>95% causes celebrations. They are very good, because the give bonuses in your civ count.

      2) Theocracy e.g. makes martial law. Your citizens are happier with it. Before change of government you must count in that you will lose this bonus.

      3) You start with some advances already known. Perhaps you already know religion so you do not need to learn it.


      [This message has been edited by Dani (edited April 25, 2000).]


      • #4
        Thanks for your replies!

        I think the random advance availability thing is unfair in multiplayer games. It makes chance, not the players, decide who will get what early wonder. But if it has to do with deity, I'll just play multiplayer with a lower difficulty level (never tried that). (Unless there is a file to edit in order to remove that detail from deity).

        About celebration:
        How the heck do you reach 95+% happiness?
        Maybe I'm too cheap towards my subjects, maximising prod and food while keeping wages low...

        About martial law:
        Are you sure martial law is only about some government happiness bonus? I've seen that there is a coefficient called "max_martial_law_units". What units would that be? In general, how do I take martial law into account? Is it somewhere explained how large effect different governments etc have?


        • #5
          Hi Wiking!

          Hm, the martial law should perhaps someone explain who knows the .txt files exactly. I can just explain what I noticed during the game.
          Concerning the happiness: Further in the game you can build more City improvements that make people happy. The wonders like Contraception increase it. And when the population is large enough you'll get many entertainers.
          So I get easily 95+%. But I played it only in chieftain level, higher levels are more complicated.

          Greetings from Dani


          • #6
            1) The population increase from celebrations only occurs on Chieftain level, not on harder difficulty settings. If celebration has any in-game effects at all apart from that, I'm not aware of them. (Score doesn't count.)

            Celebration occurs earlier than happiness 95. I can't remember the exact figure right now... maybe 85? It's useless, so I never cared. And it clutters up your screen with those "!" icons....

            2) Military units in your cities exert martial law under many government forms. E.g., under Fascism, you get 2 happiness points for each military unit (up to 2 units, IIRC) in each city. The effect isn't very big, but it's helpful.

            3) The random advances are a feature in Civ1, Civ2 and CTP. That's just the way the game works, I guess.


            • #7
              Just a minor clarification.

              When Cities have a happiness of 85% or above they celebrate.

              At the higher levels of dificulty this meens that the cities grow twise as fast as they would otherwise do. That is: The amount of stored food needed to grow is reduced by 25% if you have graneries (not sure about cities without)

              Apart from that Gregurabi is right.

              By the way, no matter how small or large your cities are you can only get a +2 happiness from vages, workday, and rations.
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              • #8
                at the later stage of the game, we always get overpopulated, just like the world we living in. So we gotta be careful with populatiion control.

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