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Celestial Dawn's Mod

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  • Celestial Dawn's Mod

    I am about to download and install Celestial Dawn's Mod v4.22 and Unit Graphics for CD's mod, and I was wondering if this would affect multiplayer over the internet?

    Will I still be able to play multiplayer (internet)? Will the person I'm playing also have to have these mods?

    Thanks for your help.

  • #2
    Not sure. I think the only people playing would have to have the mods installed as well...but I haven't played multiplayer yet, so I don't know for sure.
    Existence is Futile.


    • #3

      thanks for your post. Just to let you know, I have followed the suggestions in WesW thread re newbie guide for mods, and the mods do work in multiplayer games. As you guessed, the person your playing must also have the same mods.



      • #4
        Alrighty. Seemed to make sense....
        Existence is Futile.


        • #5
          I have ran into trouble when playing multi-player with my brother when we didn’t have identical versions of CtP files. He has a Mac, so he has an “out-of-the-box” version of CtP. It works very well when we have identical files.

          I recently downloaded Wes’s Medieval Mod on top of the Apolyton Pack. But the good news is that I only need to track changes in two folders – 1) …\ctp_data\default and 2) …\ctp_data\gamedata. The mod makers did a good job of packaging as much of their mods in the scenario structure. These two folders account for only 1.7MB of data. I keep a duplicate of both folders – one containing the modified files and one with the standard files under ctp_data. When I play my brother in a MP game, I use the standard version (out-of-the-box) of these two folders and name the duplicate folders “…default Mod” and “…gamedata Mod.” But I rename these two folders to their proper name (without the “Mod”) and name the duplicate folders “...default STD” and “…gamedata STD” when I want to play a Medieval Mod game.

          But now Paul has come out with his Modpicker utility. Life just keeps getting better!


          • #6
            I've never had multiplayer trouble from C:CTP, but then again I'm fairly new to its use...

