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CtP ranking

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  • CtP ranking

    It is so disappointing to always see a great program like CtP rank so low, especially when Civ2:ToT beats it.

    Oh well, my joy/revenge will come when Civ3 is released and all the Pro-Civ2, Anti-CtP users stand around scratching their heads trying to figure out what the heck this game is, how to play it and what happened to Civ2.

    What are they going to do then? Heaven forbide, they might actually be forced to accept the fact that something other than Civ2 could be a worthwhile adventure. Oh, the horror of it all.

    Apolyton CtPMaps
    CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)

  • #2
    It's unfortunate that so many have such a poor opinion of CtP, but I am afraid Activision bears the brunt of the blame for that.
    Perhaps more people will give it another try, now that SMAC has been out for so long, and nothing from Sid is due out anytime soon.

    I have little sorrow for those who denounce CtP primarily out of a tribal, us-versus-them alliegience to the Sid Games. Many people join things so that they can feel superior to others, and this is certainly as true of TBS gamers as it is of any other group of people. Oh well, their loss.


    • #3
      Is civ 3 from apolyton too?
      Is different form cal to power II
      HA! I am lost, am not I?


      • #4

        Apolyton is a Civ=community, it's a group people who like Civilization very much. It's not a company, it doesn't make the games (it's makes them better, but that's not the same ). Activision is a company. It made Civilization: Call to Power and it is making Call to Power II. Another company is Firaxis, that is the company that makes Civilization III, so that's a completely different game.
        I hope that put you back on track again,

        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


        • #5
          Well put, guys.

          During the last month, out of curiosity, I decided to play Civ2 again--roughly half a game. What a pain in the ass. All I kept thinking was, "Damn, I miss CtP." The AI was horrible and predictable, the whole thing looked horrible--so 90s --and all the little irritating things (endless toiling with caravan destinations, horrendous WAIS--much worse than CtP ever was, etc.) that I forgot all about came back and piled up quickly.

          I also played AoE and AoK....And though I gave it a longer try, I still started thinking: "Damn, I miss CtP."
          Although it had absolutely beautiful graphics, I found the AI utterly predictable and extremely easy to defeat. The strategy I adopted for the easiest level worked without alteration thru all higher difficulty levels--steal the AI's resources first, then use up mine, build a wall of watch towers and garrison crossbowmen in few later, and wait for their armies to be obliterated like this and then throw my army at them and tear down everything in sight. Every game was the same.
          Quite boring.
          I had begun to attack CtP's AI a couple months ago, but now...I'd say it's pretty damn respectable in comparison.

          Existence is Futile.


          • #6
            People talk about playing civ 2 on diety, and how it compares to CtP. On civ 2 diety, if I remember, the AI received a 40% bonus in all areas. I know that it was 20% on emporer, where I played.
            The AI bonuses on Emporer average about 10% in CtP under my Med mod settings.

            The thing that drove me away from civ 2 and SMAC was the poor AI, and having done the AAips, I can say that the AI performance in city development is far superior to what you will find in any of the Sid games.


            • #7
              Hi Nordicus,
              I don't think you should compare AOE and AOK with CIV2 or CTP. AOE was a great multiplayer game. I have played over 500 games in the Zone and I must say it was Great!!! fun. There are realy exellent AOE players out there, and the games don't last over 1-2 hours, which makes it far more easy to organize a game. BTW I never played single player game in AOE...
              I also never tried to play civ 2 after Cctp...
              One Life One Game...


              • #8

                That's a good point--from what I've heard, a couple people I know playing it in the Zone, it can be a very good multiplayer game.
                But the way many have trashed CtP's AI, I was expecting more from AoE & AoK regarding the AI. I was disappointed. It was so easy--geez, one game I was able to build a wall around abour 20 workers of a neutral civ chopping wood near their wood camp...the wall went right around the whole camp and the bunch of trees yet to be cut down!
                Naval warfare was a joke--not in any games did I have trouble with another civ's naval forces.

                But I hear it's a good multiplayer game....
                Existence is Futile.


                • #9
                  I agree with you guys, CtP with all the mods installed is basicly a totally different game. It deserves a second chance with everyone who ever bashed it, but I'm afraid that's not gonna happen. But as Wes said, that's their loss.
                  Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                  • #10
                    That's true....
                    But I think a few will eventually give it another go--how old is Civ2 already? And if they don't, oh well. They'll probably be that way until they're toothless old men, sitting in a park, yelling out to passers-by: "When I was young...Civ2 was the best! And SMAC is still better than this new-fangled Civ8 they have out now...."
                    Existence is Futile.


                    • #11

                      That is great and so true it is scary.

                      CtPMaps at Apolyton
                      CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)

