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Medieval mod 2.2

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  • #31
    Hi Wes,

    I have downloaded the file from your website, but it looks like it is the older version of the Med Mod, not the newer one. I looked at it and saw no indication of the changes that Nordicus made with the trade goods. What happened?

    Timothy Pintello


    • #32
      I couldn't get the whole Pack uploaded to the site, for some reason, so I took all the new stuff and altered files, and uploaded them by themselves. I called it the Med mod 3.0 update, and it is located right below the Med 2.1 Pack on my homepage.
      For those of you who already have the Med mod 2.1 installed, this means a much smaller download for you. If you don't already have it installed, simply download and install the Med pack, then the 3.0 update.


      • #33
        I think you need a new thread starting with the 3.0 readme
        ~I like eggs.~


        • #34
          Hey Wes,

          I downloaded your mod and briefly gave it a try last night. It's looking very good (although it offers little surprises for me, I already had the garrisons and trade goods installed).
          I noticed however that there are Great Library entries on trade goods that aren't actually included in the game (at least, I didn't see them yet) such as buffalo, camel, lemon. The Library contains graphics of these trade goods but no texts. I don't know if you deliberately did it like this but I thought I'd let you know.

          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


          • #35
            (although it offers little surprises for me, I already had the garrisons and trade goods installed).
            You know, it is considered bad form to boast about yourself.

            I tried deleting the un-used goods from the files, but that threw the gl links off, so I left them in there. Thanks for letting me know about this, but I guess it won't really matter.

            Also, here are links to the HTML versions of the proposed Unit and Trade Goods charts, which Chuck (ETB) has posted at his site.

            I have spent the last couple of days making these charts and re-working the various readmes for the mod. I have made each one pertain to a specific area, and contain all the info about that area.
            The Aips readme, for example, contains all the info on the changes made aips in the AAips, 2.1 Update, and 3.0 mods.
            I have moved the info on changes made to the const.txt from the AAips readme to the Miscellaneous readme.

            Also, I have put the Units and Trade Goods charts into Excel spreadsheets, since you can present them more effectively than you can in Word. I also put a couple of CD's sheets in there which I think users need to have, with notations where I have made changes to CD's settings.
            I will recommend that users print out these charts to refer to while playing. For users who don't have Excel, I will put HTML versions of the files in there in their own folder. The readmes that are not absolutely necessary I have put into their own folder as well. I have explained all this in a new Read 1st text.
            Thinking about it, I will paste that file here, for everyone to look over.

            by Wes Whitaker

            This folder contains the readmes for the individual mods in the Medieval Pack. Due to the large numbers of individual mods that the Medieval Pack contains, I have listed below the readmes that I believe *need* to by read by users of this pack. This is in no way a comment upon the quality or importance of the other mods contained in the pack. It is simply a guide to users who may feel overwhelmed and/or confused by the large numbers of readmes contained in the Med readme folder. The changes made by the mods in the pack not listed here are generally visual (Harlan's graphics mod), or informational (PowerSLICs), and thus it not *necessary* that users read them to understand the changes to stats and other aspects of gameplay .

            Suggested order of reading is:

            1)CD readme- This file details the changes made by Celestial Dawn, whose 4.2 mod forms the core from which the rest of the pack is built around. I have marked in red the changes that I have reversed, in yellow the ones that I have partially reversed, and in green the changes that I have expanded. Some unit stats have been altered as well, but nearly all of CD's changes still remain intact, which is a testament to his work.
            2)Misc. readme- This file lists changes that we suggest users make on their own to a couple of game files. It also tells you of our changes to environmental disasters, how to print out the Advances chart, and lists the color scheme used throughout the Med mod readmes.
            3)Terrain readme- This file describes all the changes made to terrain and tile improvement stats.
            4)Med 3.0 readme- This file lists the changes made to units, govs, difficulty levels, advances, wonders, improvements, etc. in addition to those made by CD.
            5)AP notes- this tells you of the features added by other mods which are not readily apparent when playing the game.

            Finally, I recommend that you print out the charts contained in the Med charts Excel spreadsheet document.
            (The changes I have made to CD's govt. settings are noted in pink. I also inserted the workday, wages and rations lists from the E7 sheet, and deleted some of the Original Govt Ranking, to keep the file printout to two pages.)

            When you are somewhat familiar with the mod, I suggest you read the Aips and Diplomacy readmes, which detail the changes to AI behavior made by the Awesome Aips mod and the Med mods 2.1 and 3.0.

            [This message has been edited by WesW (edited March 11, 2000).]
            [This message has been edited by WesW (edited March 11, 2000).]


            • #36
              I added seven of the Wonders that I had originally slated for the Mod mod to the Med mod tonight, and they seem to work fine.
              One solace about the Mod mod is that I can do about thirty min. of mostly copy-n-paste to add these things instead of several hours of thought, typing, and emailing friends to get tgas and such.

              Also, thanks to careful study by Chuck (ETB), we have discovered about a dozen discreptancies in either the terrain chart or the terrain text. When I upload the next version of the mod to my site, thsese corrections will be included.

              Finally, I have about finished re-working the readmes; updated to the current status of the mod. When next you download the mod, delete the old med readmes folder first, and take a look at them like you were a new user, and tell me what you think. I have spent many hours on them, so any validation of my effort would be appreciated.

              Here are the new Wonders stats, taken from the Med 3 readme;

              Temple of Soloman (Ancient Gutenberg Bible)
              shield_cost 2000
              enabling_advance advance_religion
              obsolete_advance advance_printing_press

              ### flags here
              wonder_flag_inc_knowledge_percent 10

              Colossus (Ancient London Exchange)
              shield_cost 2000
              enabling_advance advance_trade
              obsolete_advance advance_economics

              ### flags here
              wonder_flag_decrease_maintenance 3

              Great Library (Ancient Internet)
              shield_cost 3000
              enabling_advance advance_trade
              obsolete_advance advance_electricity

              ### flags here
              wonder_flag_other_civ_random_advance_chance 10

              Cohort (Ancient Genome Project)
              shield_cost 2000
              enabling_advance advance_iron_working
              obsolete_advance advance_railroad

              ### flags here
              wonder_flag_increase_hp 2
              wonder_flag_increase_regard -25

              Royal Shakespeare Co (Renaissance Contraception)
              shield_cost 4500
              enabling_advance advance_age_of_reason
              obsolete_advance advance_pharmaceuticals

              ### flags here
              wonder_flag_inc_happiness_empire 3

              Great Game (Renaissance The Agency)
              shield_cost 3000
              enabling_advance advance_nationalism
              obsolete_advance advance_global_defense_initiative

              ### flags here

              Kremlin (Renaissance Sphinx)
              shield_cost 3000
              enabling_advance advance_railroad
              obsolete_advance advance_computer

              ### flags here
              wonder_flag_reduce_readiness_cost 40

              [This message has been edited by WesW (edited March 13, 2000).]


              • #37
                Hi Wes,

                This looks pretty good. Any idea when you are going to post it. I am looking forward to testing it. Also, any idea when you will be able to include some of your new units like the Cog and the Bombard?

                Timothy Pintello


                • #38
                  An extremely trivial point: isn't it Solomon?

                  [This message has been edited by lago (edited March 13, 2000).]


                  • #39
                    Darn it, darn it, darn it...Tim, why didn't you catch that? What kind of a seminary graduate are you?

                    I want to do some more stuff to the readmes, and check some stuff before updating the download again.


                    • #40
                      And I was looking forward to the beanie baby factory Ahh well, guess I can settle for those Great work Wes
                      ~I like eggs.~


                      • #41
                        Hi Wes,

                        Actually I did catch it awhile back, I just figured it was a simple typo. After all, I figured somebody that goes to church as often as you do knows better.

                        Timothy Pintello


                        • #42
                          Wes posted you early versions of the Cog and Bombard Sprites with TGA's and AVI's. At the moment only the movements are done though (not the attack and death scenes).

                          Still to do the Ironclad but will try and get that sorted this weekend - I'm hoping to have a little more time then.

                          If anyone else wants a copy of them let me know.


                          • #43
                            We are still making progress on the mod. Locutus and I have finally gotten the slic triggers finalized, and Chuck keeps finding ways to improve the goods and terrain, as well as finding little inconsistencies and errors in the "old" part of the mod. We are also debating exactly what form and abilities the garrison units will have.

                            I get out for Spring Break next week, and I hope to have a new verison of the mod beta uploaded by then. Hopefully, everything will be put in by then except for the new advances. Then we can play-test the new stuff, and decide on the advances.
                            When I go home for Break, I won't be able to play CtP, but I will be on the forums and email. I hope to create my new, permanent website then, which will probably be my big project. After Break, we will see where we stand.

