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Whatever happened to CD?

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  • Whatever happened to CD?

    I was wondering if Celestial Dawn ever contributes to posts these days. CD put a lot of effort in the CTP 1 Mod. I wonder what he thinks of the CTP 2 announcement.

  • #2
    replying and moving to ctp-general:

    well, I havent seen him on the forums lately. he is gone for some time now...


    • #3
      I think that Activision should "send" for CD, Harlan,TP, Wes, Nordicus, Skorpion59,(and others who don't come to my mind at the moment) to Beta Test CTP 2. If they did that they may get things right upon release.



      • #4
        CD stopped by a few months ago, and said that he hadn't played CtP since not long after he put out the last version of his mod. It's too bad. I doubt he even knows about his award for this season.

        TP isn't playing CtP right now, either, though I think he may start checking back in once he gets through with Gabriel Knight.


        • #5
          CD got a job CD has no time to play CD would like to keep in touch though

          How's everyone?

          Btw, my email has changed so I apologise to WesW who tried to contact me and then ... blank:P It's


          P.S. Award? huh?

          Bill, that's not a damsel, that's a cross between a Slaver and the AI Entity! Run!!
          I hate signatures - they showcase my distinct lack of imagination.


          • #6
            CD, glad to see you're keeping in touch. The thing about CTP is that its turn based, you can play 10 minutes a night and still be ok Unless you uninstalled.. oooh then you'd be in trouble..

            Anyway, glad you got a job, that makes one of us.. Good luck, don't be a stranger. You're a God now you know, started the whole modification of CTP on the right track o O(Maybe not a God.. ahh well )

            edit: wowee lotsa smilies
            [This message has been edited by ghen (edited March 04, 2000).]
            ~I like eggs.~


            • #7
              Hey, CD...

              Nice to see you back for a visit
              Not sure how everyone is--just returned myself.


              How did you make that googly-eyed smilie? Haven't been here for a while....
              Existence is Futile.


              • #8
                Nordicus, the new smilies were added when Markos upgraded the forums. There is a link to the smilies legend in the "post reply" screen to the left of the textbox.


                • #9
                  Nice to hear from you, CD. Check out one of your previous posts for the title.
                  If you get a break, you should check out the mods here. There have been a lot of developments since you have been gone.


                  • #10
                    hi CD, glad to see you again!
                    yes, we had an "Apolytoner of the Season" vote and you won in the CtP forums...


                    • #11
                      Oh. Thanks very much, I didn't know about it at all I'm glad to see everyone (well ok at least some of you) still playing.

                      I really don't have time to play - even a 10 minute turn. I'm very competitive - and if I play, it means I plan to win - and that means analysing every move - and that means doing some math - and that means spending lots of time = uh I'll stick to forum trolling

                      They won't screw up CTP2 / Civ3 will they? All they need is to hire someone who knows how to use a calculator:P

                      I hate signatures - they showcase my distinct lack of imagination.


                      • #12
                        CD, not only was your mod great, but the readme file was some of the clearest and most literate software documentation for any product I've ever seen. A pleasure to read. I wish all game designers had that clarity of vision.


                        • #13
                          Thanks, Paul.

                          Existence is Futile.

