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Strange happines numbers...

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  • Strange happines numbers...

    I'm playing CTP 1.2 with CD-mod 4.2 and TP’s PowerSLICs 2.00 for Civilization: Call To Power 1.2. plus a few minor changes in the terain file.
    I have a fine little Theocratic empire with 24 cities, (gives a -2 happiness) at emeror level.
    Everything seems to work fine but when I set Workload, Wages and Rations to a postive happines value combined, I get a +2 happiness from wages regardless of citysize. It doesn't matter wether the wages are actually over or under the government value.
    I have tried all different combinations even setting all of the values one better then the gov. default, but it's all the same.

    Has anyone had any experiance with this and if so: does anyone know a 'cure'.
    I would like to expand my empire and pay for it in either gold or grain, atleast untill I can change to fundamentalis'm or some other nice form of governement.
    Visit my CTP-page and get TileEdit and a few other CTP related programs.
    Download and test SpriteEdit development build.

  • #2
    If you have the Hagia Sophia, this could explain the happiness.


    • #3
      Well I do have Hagia Sophia, but I just tried starting a couple of new games. The settings were the same except that I tried the different levels, all had the same +2 happiness if the total workday-wages-rations were positive, though if they were more than one over they did not show up on the happiness screen. I allso tried different governments.
      So I tried installing the game on a different computer, and the apply the patches, while starting a game with each version with the same result, so I guess it's not a bug but a "feature". LOL
      Visit my CTP-page and get TileEdit and a few other CTP related programs.
      Download and test SpriteEdit development build.


      • #4
        Well, yes, if you give your people extra food, gold and lower work hours, they will be "quite" happy. I didn't realize what you said initially.
        You need to give your people the minimum necessary, in order to make the most of your resources.


        • #5
          I seem to recall (thinks back to last time the empire was happy. Come to think of it, was it EVER happy?? ) that no matter how big your population, you only get a small (+2 in this case) increase in happiness. Whereas a drop ion wages causes -1 happiness PER POPULATION, an increase only gives a small benefit.

          People will always find something to grumble about......


          Just a thought......

          Just a thought......


          • #6
            True Wes. But that 'extra' happiness from wages/rations/workday is +1 per city size - and Martin indicates that it is a uniform +2.

            Odd... Martin, is this in addition to any other bonuses? I.e. in a siz 5 city, if yo have rations two clicks above the gov't level and wages one click below, what does your happiness show? Your post makes it soundlike you'd see: +10 Rations, -5 Wages, +2 Wages (and then whatever city size, wonder, etc...)

            Is this correct?


            • #7
              To wheathin's question: The total hapiness modifier gained by having a positive sum of workday/wages/rations is +2 regardles of city size. So your exaple would show 'Rations +2'.
              If wages and Rations had been one above, while workday was one below (to the right) it would have been 'Wages +2'.

              And Dan: I wasn't grumbling just wondering, as I seemd to recal using positive workday/wages/rations in an earlier game to boost population.
              Visit my CTP-page and get TileEdit and a few other CTP related programs.
              Download and test SpriteEdit development build.


              • #8
                At the easiest level, the population in a city goes up by 1 for every turn that it is celebrating (as long as the food supply is positive). At every other level, celebrations halve the time required for the city to grow.


                • #9
                  Hi Martin. I have also been confused by the happiness results of sliding the bars more than one notch to the right or left. I had wondered about that - whether it was intentional by Activision or just another "feature." I think that I need to play with it a little more and print out this thread because I'm starting to feel a little lost!

                  BTW - I thought that Dan was referring to the "CTP people" grumbling (not you grumbling) as it gets harder to keep the people happy at the higher levels of difficulty. Although I admit that I have seen plenty of posters grumble in these forums. I think that the moderators here allow you plenty of space to voice (write) your opinion whether it's grumbling or not!

                  Anyway, happy playing! (Pun intended)

                  [This message has been edited by ETB (edited February 29, 2000).]

