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Favourite building queue

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  • Favourite building queue

    Hello everyone!

    I'm getting tired of micromanaging my cities, so my question is : What is your favourite building queue(s)
    Don't eat the yellow snow.

  • #2
    Hello bongo!

    I usually create two or three queue templates during a game. Early on, I try for mostly science and happiness improvements first then productivity improvements. I either add on to the first queue or create a second one as I get more advances. Somewhere in the middle of the game, I find that I usually need more productivity and money improvements, which is why I often just create a second queue. Toward the end, I almost always just do a productivity queue with a couple of happiness and money improvements thrown in for good measure. I usually have plenty of money and advances toward the end of a game. If I'm lucky, I don't really need the productivity gains as well, but I've normally built the queue by then so I just keep using it - cranking out those War Walkers (or Fusion Tanks, or whatever).

    You may take a different approach to your gameplay. I suggest that when your Empire starts getting over 10 cities (or so) you may find yourself plugging the same or similar improvements into your queues. That's the time that you may think about starting a queue template or two. I think that they are somewhat convenient in the early to mid portions of a game, but really convenient at the end when I have over 100 cities to manage.

