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Empire Size

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  • Empire Size


    I know the issue has been brought up before, but what are the empire size limits for the different governments?
    Could someone make a list?

    BTW, does the difficulty level matter?
    [This message has been edited by Methos (edited December 27, 1999).]
    In the GREAT BANANA we trust, for only he can set us free!

  • #2
    Hi Methos,

    The followings are the cities limit on different government, if you need more info drop me a mail and I shall email you the government table in Excel format.
    • Anarchy 1000
    • Tranny 10
    • Monarchy 20
    • Theoracy 40
    • Republic 30
    • Commiunism 70
    • Fascism 70
    • Ecotopia 100
    • Corporate Republic 100
    • Technocracy 110
    • Virtual Democracy 120


    • #3
      Hey, Methos--where you been hiding?

      Yeah, Dreamer has it right, but there are other factors for determining a government's empire size values. Here, this is from my modified version of Fundamentalism:

      This is set up for a 198 X 396 map, however.
      And then you have more stuff from from Const.txt (not really regarding govs, but important still). -->

      MAX_EMPIRE_DIST_COST 10.0 # max distance unhappyness

      this is from DiffDB.txt...doesn't have anything to do with what you're askign, but I thought there was something in this file about that. Nope. Lots of stuff I haven't really looked into yet, though.

      Like this:
      CITY_FACTOR 3.0
      PEACE_FACTOR 1.0
      TURN_FACTOR 0.15
      MAP_FACTOR 0.02
      Wonder what "map factor" means?

      And these two

      are the same for every difficulty level. Hmmm. Has anyone tried raising these two?

      Anyway, I digress


      Existence is Futile.


      • #4

        Existence is Futile.


        • #5
          Hello Nordicus, I hear you, I just don't have time to be around as much as I want too, therefore I don't post much...

          I think Republic should be higher than Theocracy, Theocracies are in most cases based on a strong Hierarchy, and corruption increases the further away you get from the elite of the Hierarchy, while in the case of Republic, they can alwasy be run as a union of minor states (U.S), therefore lowering the control of the hierarchy. I have never understood why anyone would want to run republic anyway, at least without CD:s mod.
          And who can bare the pain of owning 120 cities? The Micromanagement is to big even at 30-40 cities...
          In the GREAT BANANA we trust, for only he can set us free!


          • #6
            Does anyone have the defaults for the apolyton pack, and I was wondering if it changes with difficulty? Also the Republic in the game is supposed to be an ancient republic, like Athens and Rome were, I know Rome got big, but what happened when it did? Coup!
            [This message has been edited by JamesJKirk (edited January 10, 2000).]


            • #7
              Good point.
              Not sure what you mean by 'defaults'? To check that, look in your Scenario Apolyton folder, in default(is that what you mean?)/gamedata...
              Nevermind--just looked: there is a DiffDB file in there, and this controls difficulty levels...but I'm not also controls other stuff. If you have a program that can compare that file with a raw CTP DiffDB.txt files, it'd be a good way to tell (if you don't, email me and I'll send you one).

              Oh, there you are
              You have a point as well. But to answer
              And who can bare the pain of owning 120 cities?
              this...well, I have to say me for one! Anyone who wants to conquer (and not starve the city afterward) has to deal with managing it all that. When I have over a hundred cities stretching across Russia, it's not too hard: queues. That's the ticket. Usually have about 10 or so going, some for units, whatever, depends what I need the city for.

              But there does need to be a modern Republic type gov--Parimentary Republic? I have a Democratic Republic planned; have a bunch of new govs.


              "There can be no maximum of creation without a concomitant maximum of destruction, no supreme good without supreme evil"--Heller, paraphrasing Nietzsche.

              "The more passion for the argument, the less evidence for it"--Russel.

              "I *may* have solved some of the problem with specialists tonight. Then again, I may have screwed things up- I don't know. If that happens, I won't know whether to laugh, cry, or both. God, I'm starting to sound like Nordicus (the horror!). "--Wes Whitaker, during AAIPs testing.
              [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited January 15, 2000).]
              Existence is Futile.


              • #8
                Existence is Futile.


                • #9
                  The city limits are set in govern.txt. The line is:


                  It would be nice if this changed with difficulty, but it *needs* to change with map size for sure.

                  Vote for your choice for the Modern mod's slogan!

                  1)(Paraphrasing Small Soldiers) The Modern Mod: Everything else, is just a scenario.
                  2)(Imagine Mr. Voice from Rick Dees saying this) The Modern Mod: Dominating CtP like a Leviathan on steroids.
                  3)The Mod mod: Too cool for its own good.

                  Submit votes in any Modern mod thread.


                  • #10
                    I like the way the city limit is fixed. This is what makes larger maps more challenging.


                    • #11

                      I think I understand your point, but I often get to a point late in a game where I'm rolling along taking the AI's cities (which used to be easier before AAIPs - thanks guys!) and I don't like the idea of slowing down or stopping just to wait for a few cities to get to the magic 3 pop so I can disband them and move on. I picked Virtual Democracy and upped the max city count on it. I never understood why this type of advanced government should have unhappiness due to distance from capitol or too many cities. It's supposed to eliminate poverty and discrimination. It's virtual, right? I figured that empire size shouldn't matter. For me, it takes away some of the tedium that I used to encounter late in games (build queue templates a very helpful too!). I don't think it makes the game more (or less) challenging. It does, however, make the game more enjoyable, which maybe a more important consideration.


                      • #12
                        Does anyone know if there is a max unhappiness for city limits
                        One Life One Game...

