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Best war government

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  • Best war government

    What is the best government for a fast world conquest? I play on a normal map, 5 civs emperor level. I'm well into the modern age and no.1 in power(and i'm starting to loose patience). The no.2 power is on the other side of the planet, which mean that I have to deal with him last.

    I need a government that let me build a large army while keeping my lead in science. Republic is working just fine for now, but I guess I need to change that soon. Fascism and communism is available. What is best ?

    Better killing for the future
    Don't eat the yellow snow.

  • #2


    • #3

      I usually prefer communism çause of the huge production available. The Fascists are great but I don't like them because they are relatively slow moving compared to other combined arms troops and if you change to a more advanced government later in the game they are disbanded. Your tech will be low but in the short term you can defeat any nation using sheer numbers. I've played Hotseat games against myself and in an even match up the communisitic nation always defeats the fascist nation (higher science isn't much use once your dead!)


      • #4
        I checked the stats for different governments. Communism seems to have a clear edge in production, which is great if you can cope with the increased pollution.

        Fascism seems to be better at controlling unhappiness. It's also less senstive to war-discontent, too bad I don't understand how to use the war-discontent numbers in GOVERN.TXT.

        Perhaps someone could clarify how to calculate the war-discontent based on number of units?

        Anyway, I will have to choose between a large army in fascism, or a smaller more expensive army in communism(better build some recycling centers as well) Am I right ? Guess I'll have to do a bit of experimenting when I get the time.
        Don't eat the yellow snow.


        • #5
          I generally find that war discontent isn't a major drama with big cities, an entertainer will keep people satisfied and one pop. isn't so significant with big cities. As for pollution I don't really know... recycling plants are definitely recomended, oil refineries are bad (in my opinion) because of the +200% pollution. In the past I've just kept an eye on my pollution and made sure it didn't get above "light" which has worked fine. If it does start to get up I sell an Improvement or build something that counters pollution.


          • #6
            If you've got plenty of money, then definitely Facism. The facist unit is hard as nails and relatively cheap. Stack them with some artillery or tanks, and hey presto, world domination beckons!


            • #7
              I apologize fo rthe terseness of my earlier response. In your game, the reall answer is "it depends". There are a lot of factors involved in deciding between Facism and Communism and they depend upon your game situation. What is the tech level of your opponents? What is the size of their empires? How much gold are you producing and how much do you have? How much production do you have?

              If we were to start a game from scratch, a look at the tech chart shows one can receive facism before one has to research explosives. Thus, if you have the tech lead and go for facism first above all else, you can get attack 16, defense 8, movement 2 units while others have musketeers and cannons. This set of circumstances gives us the following recipe for blitzkrieg victory:

              1) Create 1 or 2 stacks of 6 - 9 cannons for bombardment.
              2) Set as many cities as practicable to build fascists.
              3) Set PW to 20 or 30 and build roads as fast as you can from your cities to your enemies.
              4) Bombard with your cannons and conquer with your fascists.
              5) Build roads immediately to your newly conquered cities and build roads from them to new enemy cities.

              By the time you get explosives (machine gunners and artillery which make Communism a viable choice), your blitzkrieg should be well underway.

              High mobility units like marines and tanks come much later in the game.


              • #8
                Cool, I never thought of Going for Fascism that early. I usually don't like fascist because they obsolete when you change government but I can see the appeal for a quick fix of modern firepower


                • #9
                  Once railroads get put in, I can usually move my fascists back to one of my main cities and disband them before I change governments. I usually use this tactic to boost production of the Contraception wonder. I find the fixed Globesat fairly useful as well.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rowick Hepan on 01-21-2000 09:26 AM
                    Cool, I never thought of Going for Fascism that early. I usually don't like fascist because they obsolete when you change government but I can see the appeal for a quick fix of modern firepower
                    Taking facsists against pikeman is my standard tactic, the game always ends shortly afterwards so I've never had to change government beyond it...


                    • #11
                      MH: :-)


                      • #12
                        If we are talking about communism, why it have rank of awful at science?
                        I didn't tried it yet, but I looked at the govern.txt and saw that the science coef is 2, wich is like democracy!
                        If god is on our side,
                        He'll stop the next war


                        • #13
                          Although the science coefficient in Communism isn't too bad it isn't too good at making gold. By far, the most science comes from converting gold to science.

                          One more thing on fascists:
                          Because they are a special unit, I can conduct wars at 3/4 readiness, and if I am careful, at 1/2 readiness. Cannons bombard just as well at 1/2 readiness and the fascists are always at full strength for the frontal assaults.


                          • #14
                            Phang, your comments on the early fascist regime sounds very interesting, I'll try it when i get time for another game.

                            As for the choice between various governments, you were right : that depends. I had both london exchange and edisons lab. I could change to communism knowing i would have a large production, swim in cash and discover new technology every 2 or 3 turn.

                            avvv : London excange counteracts the effect a gold-poor government may have on your treasury and science-rate
                            Don't eat the yellow snow.

