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CTP - Tips, Tricks & Cheats

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  • CTP - Tips, Tricks & Cheats

    To all,

    For a change of pace, anybody care to share their tips, tricks or cheats? Come on now, even if it has been mentioned before. There are new people at Apolyton that would appreciate it.

    1) Right click on icons which won't go away to make them disappear.

    2) Shadow barbarians with a spy or ninja. When they take over a city, incite a revolution. Presto, new city without going to war with anybody. Alternate. Shadow them with a good military unit and take over their city right after they took it over from someone else.

    3) Nuke the heck out of everybody the turn before you build the Nanite Defuser. The ND will eliminate all your opponents nukes before he can fire them back at you.

    Don, Apolyton Junkie

    CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)

  • #2
    hmm my best is to have a couple units and a slaver together, and hunt down wandering enemy units...

    that's fast city growth!


    • #3
      Yes, yes, list your favorite tricks and strategies...I will then alter the game to render them ineffective! Ha, Ha, Ha!

      Wes W- Bane of CtP Deities


      • #4
        Now Wes I wasn't going to tell anybody that part of it.

        Just for that, you have to come up with 2 Tips. If not, I might have to write some special SLIC code just for your Med Mod.

        And whatever you do, don't tell all the MP folks how to copy the saved games, reveal the map and make a bitmap out of it showing everybodies location. They could use it while they were playing to get a leg up on the opponents.

        Don, Apolyton Junkie

        [This message has been edited by skorpion59 (edited January 09, 2000).]
        CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


        • #5
          I try to conquer cities that are on islands. I like it most when there is 2 cities on the island, because if u unload your troops near the city it can only be reinforced by 1 other city. And if u take one city u can quickly attack the other city. I discovered that the computer doesnt build a strong navy, thus u can pick those islands pretty indisturbed. Mostly there are only 2 defenders in the city if u surprise them well so u can try to take the city in one attack.

          In general dont try to take cities that are close to the front, they are well defended. If u attack a city check if it is an important trade or production center. U hurt the AI badly if u take them.

          My general strategy is trade, science and small wars. I pick a city here and there and then make peace. Let the AI waist there production on their stupid wars.


          • #6
            Build a stack of 9 Stealth Subs, fill them completely with nukes (36 Nukes!) and send your subs near your biggest enemy. Demand a ****load of gold or something from him, and when he doesn't pay, vaporise him. Note: Make sure pollution is turned off in that game, or someone built the Gaia Controller, or else the world's f***ed. Oh, and a big economy helps, because Nukes are really expensive.
            "Are those... live rounds?..."
            "7.62 millimeter... Full metal jacket..."
            (From the "Bathroom Scene", Full Metal Jacket)


            • #7
              hehehe "vaporise" ...

              But what about your reputation with
              others civs ? and your cityzens does
              not start to riot after such a terrible

              Originally posted by Sniper on 01-09-2000 01:27 PM
              Build a stack of 9 Stealth Subs, fill them completely with nukes (36 Nukes!) and send your subs near your biggest enemy. Demand a ****load of gold or something from him, and when he doesn't pay, vaporise him. Note: Make sure pollution is turned off in that game, or someone built the Gaia Controller, or else the world's f***ed. Oh, and a big economy helps, because Nukes are really expensive.


              • #8
                When you start a war with somebody, ignore all the other cities and head straight for the capitol. The (un)happiness factor is pretty effective for slowing them down.

                Just a thought......


                • #9
                  Early on - groups of horsed archers and legions/samurai and 1 slaver is the best combination for hunting down barbarians, enemy units, and weakly defended enemy cities.

                  Go for fisheries as soon as possible to boost your population growth.

                  Once a city gets to size 6, see if you can turn one of the people into a scientist. Early on this can really jumpstart your research.


                  • #10
                    When you nuke your enemy remember to get ready the same amount of paratroopers to drop into enemy cities all in just 1 turn.


                    • #11
                      Here's a couple,

                      Do a lot of sabre-rattling on the front line of your opponent to draw his forces there. Send a stack of cavalry led by a spy into his interior where his best cities are located - usually they are poorly defended at this time. The spy watches troop movements and makes sure your force remains undetected. Use the spy to locate those cities...Clean up!!

                      Build a city and construct airfields/listening posts. Disband city and repeat to get maximum coverage of intelligence and staging areas for your air force from 1 city, especially if you like to use paratroopers.

                      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                      • #12
                        But what about your reputation with
                        others civs ? and your cityzens does not start to riot after such a terrible attack?
                        1) Screw the reputation; No one can do much harm to a civ with that kind of nuclear arsenal.
                        2) I don't know if you get unhappiness just from nuking stuff, I think it's only from the pollution, so if it's turned off it won't be a problem.

                        [This message has been edited by Sniper (edited January 10, 2000).]
                        "Are those... live rounds?..."
                        "7.62 millimeter... Full metal jacket..."
                        (From the "Bathroom Scene", Full Metal Jacket)


                        • #13
                          Don, here are a couple of things- in my sig. (This is what I meant by you two making this too easy.)

                          Below are two examples of how to take lines of an e-mail out of context for use as sig material:
                          1)I have thought of manually adjusting your attitude...
                          Don (the Scorpion Warlord) Blevens

                          2)I have several that could do for #7--Microcomputers: the best one, which I'm considering, is of a computer. I did have three different types of silicon chips I was thinking of using, but I can't seem to find the damn things now...lost amid the maze of files somewhere. So, what do you think? -Nordicus
                          I think you need to take a course in organizational skills.- Me


                          • #14
                            Tips? Well, not really why I'm here--*ahem* new quote in sig *ahem* --but okay.

                            Get to know your key options--saved me much stress on the ol' Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from mouse clicking; and editing one to make it an "EndTurn" key was extremely helpful. If only there was scroll support, we'd all be laughing...well, those who have mice with a scroll function(s)...ha, ha haaaaaaaaah!
                            Oh well

                            (PS: Wes, I had a feeling...that old familiar'd use that! Totally out of context and fabricated and/or spliced from things other people said! I deny any knowledge of that quote!
                            Not. Good one.)

                            (PPS: Don, this is the closest I came to finding one for a 'Wes quote'--I looked long and hard for it, but this was it.)

                            (PPPS: Another tip, All: watch watch you say around Wes! He's ruthless! lol! )

                            "There can be no maximum of creation without a concomitant maximum of destruction, no supreme good without supreme evil"--Heller, paraphrasing Nietzsche.

                            "The more passion for the argument, the less evidence for it"--Russel.

                            "I *may* have solved some of the problem with specialists tonight. Then again, I may have screwed things up- I don't know. If that happens, I won't know whether to laugh, cry, or both. God, I'm starting to sound like Nordicus (the horror!). "--Wes Whitaker, during AAIPs testing.

                            [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited January 11, 2000).]
                            Existence is Futile.


                            • #15
                              Nordicus, if you still have all that stuff from the AAips testing, you should select some of the significant letters, and post them here on the forum.
                              Even if people bother to read the readmes for that mod, I don't think they will have an idea of all that we went through in it.
                              (After some very impressive early successes, I believe the Slic group is beginning to get a taste of the complexities involved in trying to modify AI behavior in a way that doesn't cause more problems than it solves.) Oh, well, I will help them wherever I can.

