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Trade Mod - Apolyton Pack

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  • Trade Mod - Apolyton Pack

    Hi! I'm a little confused about the trade mod. Or should I say the readme. Could someone give me a direct link to the one which can be used with the Apolyton pack and the Awesome AAIPs mod?

    Also could someone please explain (simply - lol!) where to place the gardenworld map, and how to play it? This is my first map download although I've been playing SP games for quite some time.

    BTW I think the Pack and AAIp are a great improvement. Thankyou for allowing others to enjoy your accomplishments!

    Edit :-

    Okay forget the trade goods mod after a good nights sleep I've found my way to the right one...I do still need help with the gardenworld map however. The file itself isn't called a savegame (like in the apolyton folders) it's just called gardenworld. I did try putting it in a scenario folder but I can't select it in the game so I'm definately doing something wrong. Please help, I really want to learn how to do this!
    Last edited by miramis82; February 6, 2003, 12:12.

  • #2
    Did you try loading it like a saved game?

    If that doesn't work it might be in the map format, and you'll have to import it. To do this put it in the ...\ctp_program\ctp\save\maps\ folder and then, in a game bring up the chat box by pressing the ' key (apostrophe) and type "/importmap gardenworld" (no quotes).


    • #3
      Thankyou for replying! I didn't think anyone had answered it was showing no replies - lol guess I should have checked the actual page first

      I will try that first thing tomorrow and let you know how it goes. I did try loading it as a save game, but it's me doing something wrong, I know this because I can't even get activisions maps to work (5player).

      Anyhow I'll get back to you!


      • #4
        Still can't get it to work I'm afraid, btw is the chat box supposed to be pure black? I think that civ may be holding my desktop 'appearance' settings even though I've changed them. I'm sure that bringing up the chat box before it used to look like other civ boxes?

        Are there any other ways I can try?


        • #5
          I belive the chatbox is indeed supposed to be pure black. I can't think of anything else you can try offhand...

