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I've Run Out Of Food!!!!!

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  • I've Run Out Of Food!!!!!


    I'm new to civilisation, and i've run out of food in one of my cities, it says that on the next turn they are going to starve. Could anybody do the good favour of telling me a solution to this problem. Please

    thanking in advance

  • #2
    There are two possible solutions to the problem a manual one a automatic one.

    First the manual one. Do a right click with the mouse on the starving city. A window with a lots of woekers will pop up, you can move the workers from one tile to another tile, until you have more food in the city, food is represented by the bread icon.

    The automatic solution is to go on the max tab and press there on the food button, then the workers are moved automaticly, to the right position.

    You can compare this if you open the city mini map before you max out food and afterwards. To icrease the food output of the city in a long turn you can place in the city radius some food tile improvements, like farms, advanced farms and hydroponic farms. In the ocean you can place nets, fisheries, and automated fisheries. Also terraforming can increase the food output of a certain terrain tile.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • #3
      Is the city roiting? Are you placing farms? What about your ration settings? If its the beginning of the game, be a Theocractic government. Set your workday to 12 hours, wages to 6 and rations to 7.5. Hope this helps you Rocker.
      So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


      • #4
        Thanks a lot guys, this has done the world of help to my civ knowledge


        • #5
          Another slightly "Expounded Upon" response, is if you are in woods, away from river, make a "roadway" of tiles, perhaps maybe having to terraform the surrounding land, but use the least expensive farm improvement starting at a tile "Next" to a river or water source then complete a roadway to your territory.
          This way you are basically bringing farmland to you needy civilization!

          Good luck to you!
          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

