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Giant Bird IV

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  • I'm going to be without a computer for about a week. You can go ahead and send me the next turn when it gets to me again and I'll get it as soon as I can. The good news is that we'll have DSL or a cable modem once I'm back online


    • turn 253 sent to Gumpold


        Fruity Oaty Bars! Make a man out of a mouse! Fruity Oaty Bars! Make you bust out of your blouse! Eat them all the time! Let them blow your mind...ohh! Fruity Oaty Bars!


        • I was just checking this thread and I do not have the turn gumpold says he sent to me. could someone do a resend.


          • I was checking the thread and even though I forgot to post when I orginally sent I did a resend today. he may not have gotten the turn, but I really did send it. I sent them a forwarded email to make sure they knew. I am not gripping at anyone, only making sure of myself. turn 254 resent to thehappies


            • i think i already sent 254 to darkheart last week. i'll resend too.

              here's the latest on the Assyrian oppressors that are still breathing down my neck: they have REFUSED to stop trespassing and they have REFUSED to sign a peace treaty.

              Officially (on the diplomacy screen), a state of war still exists between our two countries--though I've never killed a single one of their units, I have committed no overt acts of war, AND I have offered to sign a peace treaty.

              My allies and I are preparing for the worst. But we still hold out hope that Assyria will sign a treaty and agree to keep its troops OUT of Mexican territory.
              Last edited by thehappies; August 2, 2005, 09:28.


              • turn 254 > Gumpold


                • Nice job with that bitzkrieg attack!

                  I'm a little surprised I have anything left. I think you hit every city I have! well executed

                  That's going to be about it for me soon.

                  Unless of course the Russians decide to intervine

                  Fruity Oaty Bars! Make a man out of a mouse! Fruity Oaty Bars! Make you bust out of your blouse! Eat them all the time! Let them blow your mind...ohh! Fruity Oaty Bars!


                  • Oooh . . . you attacked Egypt? Now you're in for it. We're buddies you know. Me and the ol' Pharoah go way back.

                    No wonder Darkheart has been taking so long each turn--all that evil scheming takes time. . . I wonder if I've been a victim too. Get the turn moving, I'm itching to see what happened.

                    Alright Russia, we're counting on you and your Red Army to come to the rescue or you'll be next on the chopping block. CHARGE!!!!


                    • turn 255 to the happies
                      I took out his happiness wonders and a few cities. it should cause a revolution in all his cities and he should have nothing left. I have only seen this one other time and it actually made both turns after ( the next 2 persons turns one had now cities but the turn still came up and he had some troops left that were not in cities). my computer is kinda old and it locks it up so I am not sure what will happen with someone elses/ I am curious though. a friend of mine's cmputer acted fine, but his is a better computer. oh, he was the one I did it too and he wanted to see my turn so he could see if his did the same, and it did not lock up like mine did, but it may make the turn still and if it does he may have a few troops on the ground and can take a few back. robbed from the jaws of victory and left with defeat.
                      oh, such an evil grin over here. Ken/dancemasseuse


                      • turn 255 to Darkheart. Let me know if you're able to play the turn ok. My computer kinda froze as I ended the turn.


                        • I'll be on vacation for the next week. I'll be back 20 Aug.


                          • guys, my game crashes everytime i try to end the turn, I've tried everything, but I simply don't get a turn to send to anyone, what should we do?


                            • i'll replay the turn and see what happens. Dancemasseuse has prophesied that this would happen (the game would get a little screwy) because all your cities would revolt and and splinter into new civs. He said he did it before to someone else and it kind of botched the game. Did that happen? If so, got any suggestions Dancemasseuse?


                              • it may create both the next player turn and the turn after that because you have been eleminated. so the turn goes to the following player and it will give him all the markers that say each city has revolted and formed an new government called the barbarians. it will also take a long time to load because of this. we should be able to continue, but M. darkhart has been eleminated and the game should stop making his turn anymore. I am sorry dude, but I had to do that. I have seen this in several games. when I revolted his empire he had some cities with mind controllers and those cities survived, so he could fight on. on another his whole empire did this and he was eleminated, in another only part of an empire revolted and over the next 3 turns all the rest revolted too. so that is the three times I have seen this. oh, one other time it was me and one player and it stopped generating his turn after that and kept me playing by myself with the AI's
                                I wanted to make this happen so I took his capitol, and both cities listed on the wonders chart that had his happiness protectors in them so he gets -1 for each city he has above 110 (technocracy is the highest it can be if you use that gov). so if he has 10 cities above 110 then a -10 is attached to each city and depending on how many he had it could be higher. the reason I took the capitol too is to make sure he had no recovery area.. That is why I think the game has eleminated him.

                                So look when you end your turn and see if it created 2 files for this game. M. Darkheat II and gumpolds. if it created gumolds too, then the game considers M. Darkheart eleminated because he has no cities.

