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Game Crashes-What program is used to read them?

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  • Game Crashes-What program is used to read them?

    Whenever you have a game crash, it makes a file, my question is this:

    What program can you use to read that file..perhaps, my trusty friend..EDITPLUS2?

    I tried that, it read most of it, except top line which was jargon I was unfamiliar with

    I am doing modifying and am having some fairly regular crashes..just trying to trouble shoot is all!


    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

  • #2
    I guess there's no helpful way of reading the top line - I guess it's intended for Activision to observe the internal state of the game if you ask tech support. Those crash files are totally useless in helping with crashes caused by mods, in my experience. Once, when I was developing a mod, I was quite scared to come to the directory and find about 100 of the darn things lying around . Had I really tried so many times?

    By far the most common cause of crashing with no error messages that I had (if they're happening during the loading phase) is the number at the top of a file not matching the number of entries in the file. Double and triplecheck all such numbers.


    • #3
      My crashes happen usually while moving a unit in game. Although i have reloaded game and that particular unit wont cause the crash, and then sometimes I am just adding PW tile improvements. Then it has the window that asks if you want to report this to Activision. It will also have another message like dll help..or ctp help..frustrating, but not the end of my efforts, i have restarted 10 different game in last 3 days, I have gotten up to turn 98 and around 78 cities then unplayable, not many units, moving or stationary, but alas, CRASH TO POWER raises its ugly head, albeit I am modding, but..I am open to help and if necessary, restart from where I know no problems were.


      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


      • #4

        I have removed the triggers in SLIC and still game is crashing.

        I remember messing with terrain, making more food for certain terrains, I am headed to bed, early day. I think maybe that may be problem.
        I will keep posted, I added food values of 5 to mountains and hills, perhaps that did it???

        I'll keep posted, tommorrow!


        Trolldom's EL PRESIDENTE at large!!
        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • #5
          No luck!
          I went back to default terrain.txt and also default SLIC and still game fets to around turn 70+ and starts crashing???

          I will most probably reload a default const.txt file and make that my next mode of "RE-INVENTION" that was only other file I manipulated..hmm..still..I am gonna learn whats causing theses crashes!!

          As-Da-Modder-Turns..will continue with next update!
          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


          • #6
            Crashes on a unit move are strange if you didn't change the units... Similarly for tile imps... Good luck .


            • #7

              Me thinks me found the culprit..

              I removed all sorts of changes to files, still crahes

              I then went to Const.txt file, restored the default Const.txt file and played 155 turns no problems, so i think it was something (NO IDEA WHAT THOUGH??? in this file, I changed so much, and now I will change a little, I really think it was in river length and such since that was main culprit!

              I'll get back with you kind folks( Abd i am Honest, I really do appreciate all the help! I couldnt do it without you!

              I'll get back on how its coming!

              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


              • #8
                Ok.many crashes happening now..but when I reload either autosave or hardsave..I continue on with no problems until next crash..??
                Here is the first of the ones I wrote down today:

                A box..similiar to what you get when your fiddling with units or such and it crashes to desktop..this happened at an end to a turn..turn I believe 41:

                GameObj.cpp Error

                No such id 16843009

                In same crash this also appeared
                Illegal action:civctp
                (This is a blue box that usually appears with crashes with a list of page fault..happens whenever any windows based program crashes) has list of invalid page faults,kernal, ect.

                Then my old faithful standby...Abnormal Termination Activision Report

                CRC: 99D8-371F

                Then I reload and a;; is well.

                I had another crash two turns later This had just the Abnormal Termination Report

                CRC 3B30-284F

                I am sharing these in hopes of tracking down exactly what may be causing them.

                At any rate, at least i am able to reload and continue whereas before, I would try to reload and just fall right back into same predictament.


                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                • #9
                  I'm afraid I can't help you there. I've never seen anything like that... You must be doing something strange to get such errors.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by J Bytheway
                    I'm afraid I can't help you there. I've never seen anything like that... You must be doing something strange to get such errors.

           the Land of soothsayers are huddling..even unto

                    Maybe I had better not let the Elders of Trolldoms HIGH and MIGHTY Council get me into too much trouble!!

                    I'll keep you posted!

                    Thanks much!


                    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                    • #11
                      Well, whatever I have done, currently I am back up and running on a 200 X 400 with 4 civs.

                      I spent like 4 hours, I removed all my altered files, played 100 turns with default settings and then 1 at a time added back one file at a time, each time playing 100 + turns, no crashes and after , I believe I have like 14 altered files, adding them all back in one at a time, I am now ok, not sure what happened, but all is working ok!

                      I will keep you posted, I remember a person posting one time, a couple years ago, said to simply start over!

                      I also took advice from I believe that same person....



                      Thats what I have been doing and will of course, keep all posted on my progress or maybe, Lack-there-of

                      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

