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SuperLeague Turn Post Log

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  • SuperLeague Turn Post Log

    As requested by Hatschy, FlameFlash, CheckMate and others, this thread will be used for Turn Post Logs.

    Please keep the amount of posts to a minimum, and direct yourselves to the SuperLeague thread with any queries.

  • #2
    This is the log for the SuperLeague matches I'm involved in.
    Numbers in parenthesis refer to the player order: 1=blue, 2=orange, 3=green, 4=pink and so on.
    AI players are ignored.

    Example for making clear what the numbers in the table mean:
    0000000000111 <-- t2
    0123456789012 <-- t1
    1132444211224 <-- player ranking 1st (omitting AIs)
    3324222122142 <-- player ranking 2nd
    2243331444411 <-- player ranking 3rd
    4411113333333 <-- player ranking 4th

    where each column corresponds to one *9 turn of the match and the turn's number is computed as follows: turn = t2 * 100 + t1 * 10 + 9. The last turn recorded in the above example therefore is 129, with pink leading and orange, blue and green being 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively.


    hatschy(1) vs. FlameFlash(4)

    hatschy(1) vs. checkMate(4) *** FINISHED

    RedBull(1) vs. hatschy(4)

    chadcoffman(1)/checkMate(3) vs. David42one(2)/hatschy(4)
    Last edited by hatschy; June 24, 2003, 16:22.


    • #3
      EDITED 1/5/03 - Including surrender to BerX.

      vs. Geoff

      Turn 9: Chad
      Turn 19: Jeff
      Turn 29: Chad
      Turn 39: Chad
      Turn 49: Not reached yet

      vs. PhoenixCager:

      Turn 9: Chad
      Turn 19: PC
      Turn 29: PC (but I'm back in lead by turn 30)
      Turn 39: Chad
      Turn 49: Chad
      Turn 59: Not yet

      vs BerXpert:

      Turn 9: Chad
      Turn 19: Chad
      Turn 29: Chad
      Turn 39: BerX
      Turn 49: BerX

      vs Hatschy/David42one

      Turn 9: No points
      Turn 19: No points.
      Turn 29: 1st Place
      Turn 39: 1st Place

      Total Points: 13
      Last edited by chadcoffman; February 6, 2003, 23:54.


      • #4
        Last edited by checkMate; April 10, 2003, 08:15.
        If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


        • #5
          K here is mine

          David42one / Hatschy (The Raging Hordes) vs Chad Coffman / checkMate (Chieftains Forever)

          341111111 <-- 10 for Chad
          233343222 <-- 2 for David42one
          423434433 <-- 1 for checkMate
          112222344 <-- 8 for Hatschy

          Us 15 them 12

          Hatschy v. me
          I surrendered at turn 102
          Total points to Hatschy 25; 10 for winning, 10 for *9's and 5 for winning under 150.

          David42one v. me
          I surrender at turn 162
          Total points for David42one 26; 10 for winning, 16 for *9s
          Total points for checkMate 1 for *9

          me v. Milamber
          He surrendered at turn 138
          Total points for checkMate 23; 10 for winning, 8 for *9s, and 5 for winning under 150.
          Total points for Milamber 5 for *9

          Flame v. me
          Won by 4xPG after turn 100
          Total points for checkMate 23; 10 for winning, 8 for *9s, and 5 for winning under 150.
          Total points for Flame Flash 2 for *9
          Last edited by checkMate; July 3, 2003, 08:30.
          If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


          • #6
            = 2 vs 2 Armagedon at turn 11 [very slow]

            Turn Leading
            009 . . The other team

            Total: 0

            = Milamber vs BerXpert turn 60 Finished by 4xPG rule

            Turn Leading
            009 . . Ber
            019 . . Ber
            029 . . Ber
            039 . . Ber
            049 . . Ber
            059 . . Ber

            Total: +6, +10 (victory) +5 (before T150) +10 (he surrender) = +31

            = Ricketyclik vs BerXpert turn 85 Finished by 4xPG rule
            Turn Leading
            009 . . Ber
            019 . . Ber
            029 . . Ber
            039 . . Ber
            049 . . Ber
            059 . . Ber
            069 . . Ber
            079 . . Ber

            Total: +8 +10 (victory) +5 (before T150) +10 (he surrender) = +33

            = Chad vs BerXpert turn 54 finished he resign when his capital with Laberint and other 5 important cities fall

            Turn Leading
            009 . . Cha
            019 . . Cha
            029 . . Cha
            039 . . Ber
            049 . . Ber

            Total: +2, +10 (victory) +5 (before T150) +10 (he surrender) = +27

            = David42one vs BerXpert turn 37 finished he resign when I start an invation of musketers

            Turn Leading
            009 . . Dav
            019 . . Dav
            029 . . Dav

            Total: +10 (victory) +5 (before T150) +10 (he surrender) = +25

            = Total SuperLeague Points : 116

            Edit: I complete all the 1v1 challenges of this season of SL
            Last edited by berXpert; February 13, 2003, 18:57.


            • #7
              BerXpert, he surrendered, thus it is another +10


              • #8

                Armaggedeon: T8
                CMvF: T37
                HvF: T39
                LvF: T15
                Last edited by FlameFlash; November 17, 2002, 12:05.
                I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                • #9
                  bump yeah ber you got lucky with early settlers in ruins plus a better start postion i sd till have a one on one match open to me if you care to go again.

                  oh by the way d421 (david42one) is still in the lead at turn 29 had it 3 turns back but d421 took it back
                  I heard a loud voice, I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It's rider was named Death, and hades was following close behind him. They were given power over one fourth of the earth to kill by the sword, famine and plague.
                  Revelation 6:8


                  • #10
                    Keep it to bumps and turn logs please.


                    • #11

                      I think Mr Administrator can set this thread at TOP so we can edit it without search for this


                      • #12
                        Where's Solver when you need him?
                        I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                        Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                        • #13
                          turn 47 to david42one
                          I heard a loud voice, I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It's rider was named Death, and hades was following close behind him. They were given power over one fourth of the earth to kill by the sword, famine and plague.
                          Revelation 6:8


                          • #14
                            Thank Mod

                            The thread is topped


                            • #15
                              turn 53 to david42one and i am still in the lead as of turn 49
                              I heard a loud voice, I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It's rider was named Death, and hades was following close behind him. They were given power over one fourth of the earth to kill by the sword, famine and plague.
                              Revelation 6:8

