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What a difference Deity makes

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  • What a difference Deity makes

    I just tried Deity for the first time (last couple games on Emporor got boring).

    All I have to say is: Oh My God!!! How are you supposed to compete?

    They start out ahead and just keep going! In the time it takes me to pump out my first two warriors, they have city walls, two phalanxes and a settler off looking for a new spot to build. From there it only gets worse!

    I was still in the Renaissance (just got Ships of the Line) when Napolean started building Contraception! How are you supposed to deal with that?

    Now, I am not a novice. On Emporer I took on 22 civs at once and won. I was more powerful than the rest combined. I didn't expect a walk in the park, but I sure didn't expect that. I couldn't even research wonders before someone else built them.

    Well, if anyone has some helpful advice, here's what I was doing.

    Regular Map, 4 Civs, Village Barbarians, Deity

    --> I had my own continent (only 3 other civs) and set to settling it. I concentrated on maxing food production to get my population up. For what trade goods I had, I built caravans.

    --> I didn't take the war to others. I was so far behind in tech it would have been insane. The Italians, who were right next to me were always one step ahead. My Samurais would have been fighting pikeman. When my stacks of Muskateers and Cannons landed on foriegn shores, they were met by Machine Gunners.

    --> Eventually I did have the top cities on the ranking chart, but it didn't seem to matter. I wasn't catching up. My rate of growth seemed to perpetually leave me at 1/2 the strength of the Greeks and 1/3 of the French and Italians. For every step I made, they made three. Bringing them down to my level didn't seem an option.

    --> I ended the game when French Troop ships unloaded stacks of Tanks, and I still hadn't gotten explosives, and I lost 4 cities in two turns.

    Any clues?

    Irda Ranger

    PS- Does anyone have Vel's guide anymore?

  • #2
    Re: What a difference Deity makes

    Originally posted by IrdaRanger
    I just tried Deity for the first time (last couple games on Emporor got boring).

    All I have to say is: Oh My God!!! How are you supposed to compete?

    They start out ahead and just keep going! In the time it takes me to pump out my first two warriors, they have city walls, two phalanxes and a settler off looking for a new spot to build. From there it only gets worse!

    I was still in the Renaissance (just got Ships of the Line) when Napolean started building Contraception! How are you supposed to deal with that?

    Now, I am not a novice. On Emporer I took on 22 civs at once and won. I was more powerful than the rest combined. I didn't expect a walk in the park, but I sure didn't expect that. I couldn't even research wonders before someone else built them.

    Well, if anyone has some helpful advice, here's what I was doing.

    Regular Map, 4 Civs, Village Barbarians, Deity

    --> I had my own continent (only 3 other civs) and set to settling it. I concentrated on maxing food production to get my population up. For what trade goods I had, I built caravans.

    --> I didn't take the war to others. I was so far behind in tech it would have been insane. The Italians, who were right next to me were always one step ahead. My Samurais would have been fighting pikeman. When my stacks of Muskateers and Cannons landed on foriegn shores, they were met by Machine Gunners.

    --> Eventually I did have the top cities on the ranking chart, but it didn't seem to matter. I wasn't catching up. My rate of growth seemed to perpetually leave me at 1/2 the strength of the Greeks and 1/3 of the French and Italians. For every step I made, they made three. Bringing them down to my level didn't seem an option.

    --> I ended the game when French Troop ships unloaded stacks of Tanks, and I still hadn't gotten explosives, and I lost 4 cities in two turns.

    Any clues?

    Irda Ranger

    PS- Does anyone have Vel's guide anymore?
    Ok..I am by far the most UNQUALIFIED to be giving anyone instructions, so let me say this,

    Try do a lot of exploring, therefore finding ruins which in turn give you more opportunity for units,cities,tech and gold!

    Next build some caravans to increase gold which increaes science.
    Next I would say placement of city is paramount. Maybe putting that first. Find where you have 3-4 good per radius and also mountains gives great golkd and production. Build cities up then plce some citizens on gold.

    I wouild recommend kissing the ai's butt until you can handle yourself. Throw them a few bones, 100 gold here..a tech exchange...ect.

    I would have to say this..GOLD = BETTER SCIENCE!!
    Get Gold through Caravans..mines..and then dont build unnecessary city improvements before necessary. Like a publishing house and university in a size 4 city..maint. cot will kill any gain in science. Build Banks in size 5 cities or above and only if thats a gold producing city.

    Thats a little help and I am sure many people out there can offer much more. I have been getting whooped like an UNWANTED RED-HEADED Stepchild for 4+ years, so I seen what works and best of luck!

    I look more like this fella attached than a CTP I may be a slight bit punchie!!

    Come try out Multiplayer when you have a chance, lots of fun and different strategies!

    Best of Lukc 2 U my friend!!

    Attached Files
    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • #3
      dont listen

      dont listen to troll his a Very good player so listen to his avice I know I have. Try to build lots of citys and put yuor food on .5 your gould on 4 or 6 and your bould on max. Go for theo asap and then go for Engeniring and the only get techs that lead to agro rev. get marketplace as well. In the early are stay with theo
      Blessed Be


      • #4
        by the way

        try to do this in the build Queue. Warrior settler warrior granery, settller the temple and Aquaduct if you got it. then only build improvements that you need in differnt citys like science citys buld science improvements, traid citys build money improvements. dont build any imrovements that cost where you dont need them. TRy to run your happyness on 74%. its not easy but the benefets are you can max out production. If you need more help buddy me and pm me. hope this helps. By the way Im still learnig to but much better at start of the game than I used to be
        Blessed Be


        • #5
          Thanks for the advice guys, I appreciate it! I will give it another shot.

          Irda Ranger

          edit: Asked a stupid question. Nevermind.


          • #6
            If you are on an island, your first goal is to get as many cities as possable. I would start with twenty and get fourty with theo. max prod and wages and get food as low as possable. don't worry about defence of your cities until you see the AI start into your terrirtory. Usually the first couple of times their just looking, so you have a little time. Don't build walls. They eat money and production. Also, don't woirry about how close your cities are to each other. As long as the location is decent, then build a city there. the closer the better though. Once you get all these cities, get enough defence to survive. You will lose a couple of the fringe cites, but don't sweat that to much. Then grow your citieswith imp. and such. Tailor the imp. to the cities, but prod. is #1, science is #2(that usually means gold, but not always). The computers two main downfalls are his poor use of PW and his lack of ability in creating big cities. use this and exploit it and eventually you will overtake him. but it is slow.

            If you are close to him, then I just posted a guide on beating dietywith the slaver, who should be your best freind.
            What if the truth were a virus that could slide into the back of you mind and slowly take over?

