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Possible to script Victory by world peace in CTP?

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  • Possible to script Victory by world peace in CTP?

    I don't know if it is possible or if someone has already done it: Can you create a scenario where you can win by being allied to all other civs? If so, any idea how it's done?

  • #2
    Why would you want such a scenario, when you know the AI won't even try to make an alliance with all other civs ?
    veni vidi PWNED!


    • #3
      Though you can certaily induce victory through SLIC, briefly looking through the reference I can find no way of determining whether two players are at war. You can fetch the regard, though, and that might be sufficient.

      You'd do this with a SLIC script triggering at the beginning of each players turn (or possibly only the human players, if you prefer) - checking their regard with each other player and if they're all high enough, give that player victory. Strangely I can't find a 'make the player win' function either, but I'm sure there's one somewhere... And even if there isn't you could simulate victory by killing all the other players cities.


      • #4
        Thanks, I'll try that.

