What is the significance of the power graph under "Rankings" in CivCTP? While playing as a King, if I focus on building up science as suggested by some, I show up as pretty weak on the power graph.
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Relevance of Power Graph (Rankings)?
They compare your position with that of other civs. So if you show up as weak in the ranking, that doesn't necessarily mean you're doing a bad job, it means the other players are doing a much better job(which, in the early game at least, is quite normal in my experience)
I believe that the rankings are based upon the civ score of each civilization, which is based upon a lot of different factors (# of cities, total population, # of advances discovered, # of celebrations, # of units lost, and others). This is not necessarily an accurate measure of how you are doing. I wouldn't give the power graph too much credit as to how well you're doing. It gives you some idea, but if you're pulling ahead of your opponents technologically and you're winning most of your battles, you're in pretty good shape."It is not enough that you defeat your enemy. You must show him that he was wrong to oppose you in the first place." --Gul Dukat
Hmm, I can't quite remember, does the CtP1 have only 1 overall power graph are does it, like CtP2, have seperate power graphs for science, military, economy, etc? If the former is the case, that could also explain why you're so weak on the power graph: you may be doing well in science, but you're behind in military or economy or whatever...
I would enter this, If you are ahead in Technology, and a way to check this, if you dont have an embassy established is to go to "offer" gifts to a civ screen, dont send, just see what you have to offer, that will tell you how many you have hey dont, but they could still be ahead, just on another parrellell science path.
As a word of caution, should you feel you are indeed ahead and you are monitoring Power Graph and the other civ..SPIKES in the Power Graph, you can take that bottom dollar you been saving and place it on them mounting a military offensive!
Then, be prepared, them SPIKES Happen fer a reason, not for just a little old fashioned homeland defense, nope, they be fixing to ASSIMILIATE YER TUOCKUS!!
TrollHi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah
I am fairly certain the power graph (and there is only one, Locutus) is determined only by units, buildings, wonders, cities and populations - the first three in proportion to their production costs (but possibly not the same proportions for each category - I think units are worth the most, then wonders, then buildings, but that's only a hunch). AFAIK, Celebrations do not affect it. It certainly has nothing to do with your civ score, and also has nothing to do with the POWER_POINTS entries in the data files (which is a common misconception).
I dont think it has anything to do with the number of cities. Earliy in the game you can see a drop in your PG after you start a new city. Yet if you produce anything from a unit to a caravan to a city improvement, you will climb the PG. So I think it is only based on your production.So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"
If you found a city at the start and have no units you still have some ranking on the PG, and if the city grows (still with no units/improvements) then the increase due to new population is very small, so I conclude that you must be getting some points for the city (or else you get more points for the first population, which is essentially the same thing).
Originally posted by J Bytheway
If you found a city at the start and have no units you still have some ranking on the PG, and if the city grows (still with no units/improvements) then the increase due to new population is very small, so I conclude that you must be getting some points for the city (or else you get more points for the first population, which is essentially the same thing).
I agree, I have seen lot of folks pour out settlers like crazy on a map, and shoot up the graph, they are producing almost pur settlers, and no improvements, city sizes staying at 1-3 range and yes, they are skyrocketing on graph. I say they are getting a little more than "minimal" acount for # of cities!
Thats of course, from a rookie-sort-of named Troll
Have a good evening!
So constructing a Megaltropolis has to figure in the graphHi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah