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  • Help Please

    i have a question! i am new to ctp and i wanted to play ctp with my friend over local network...all went fine but the random created maps seemd boring and very do i get maps for multiplayer...i allready downloaded scenarois for multiplayer and it worked...but they were not that good....when i search the internet i cant find any mutliplayer u maybe have some/know where i can get? (like world map for multiplayer etc)

    thx a lot!!!

  • #2
    You should be able to play any single player scenarios under multiplay - they're not different. IIRC there's a world map in the CTP files section here, and there might be a couple of others floating around, but map creation has never been very popular for CTP. It wouldn't be that hard to make your own maps, though. I've done a couple and it's a little slow at first but you get the hang of it quickly enough.


    • #3

      how do you make maps. Ive tried a couple of ways and carnt save them It keeps coming up Scenerio not found
      Blessed Be


      • #4
        There is a file with 3 MP maps in the Apolyton Directory and there are tons of SP maps (not sure how suitable for MP they would be) on skorpion59's hosted website.

        Also, if you decide to make your own maps, you may find this an interesting read.
        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


        • #5
          There are 3 different kinds of maps: savegame maps, scenario maps and text maps.

          1) Savegame maps are ordinary savegames: you just load them like any other savegame and they will load a regular savegame with cities and units and everything (or not), just like a regular savegame, only it has a specific map. This is the easiest approach for the mapmaker: you can just create your map with the cheat editor and save it like a regular game and you're done. However, it's also the least flexible one: starting player and locations are fixed. It's more suitable for certain kinds of scenarios than for plain maps.

          Scenario maps are scenarios (starting nations not predetermined, starting locations could be predetermined but doesn't have to be, preplaced cities and units optional, etc), except that they have a fixed map rather than a random one. These can be saved and loaded like any other scenario. If you want your map to be instantly playable with a fixed set of civs (IIRC you can't randomize this), this is the best way to go. Create your map, optionally set up starting locations or units/cities/etc and save as a scenario. Remember what title you give the scenario, then create a scenario structure (as in the example scenario) and put the scenario savegame you created in the appropriate location under the appropriate name (savegame.csg) and make sure scenario.txt has as first line the title that you gave your scenario (mind spelling and capital usage!).

          3) Text maps. If you just want to save the map and don't want to have a fixed list of civs or don't want it have to make it playable, just create your map, then open the chat box and type '/exportmap [mapname]', where mapname can be any name. This will store the map as a textfile in your main ctp program folder (\ctp_program\ctp), after which it can be imported again (by yourself or someone else) with the '/importmap [mapname]' command. Cities, units, tileims, etc will not be saved this way, just the terrain itself. This only works if the size of the map you try to import is identical to the size of the current map.
          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery

