The submarine apparently can hold 2 units. How do you get the 2 units onto the sub? I tried almsot every conceiveable way and nothing will work. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
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Help Please: Loading Subs
Cruisemissiles only when using one of the mods.
But it would have been wonderfull, if we also in the "original" version would be able to load spies.......
...... who just had time to make a mod only for PBEM'ers and MP'ers. Would be relative easy, when you could ignore the AI and its missing abilities to use special forces or tactics
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
Originally posted by TheBirdMan
...... who just had time to make a mod only for PBEM'ers and MP'ers. Would be relative easy, when you could ignore the AI and its missing abilities to use special forces or tactics
If you do make a new try - then remember to include visibility_group 7. Its not in use but it works (have tried it out). You would be able to make even more stealth units or whatever you want.... fx. partisans only visible to spyes or scouts (remember to give those the right to see "group 7" units).First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
I was frustrated that I didn't learn about that sooner. Soon perhaps I will go back and add that in, and try to gain some players for a test.
How did you know I'd implemented partisans? Noone else has done partisans for CTP, have they?.. I presume you were just thinking of Civ2 but that's quite a coincidence.
I didn't - but I did remember having read about partisans long time ago in one of those CIV II and CTP compare-threads. That's why I suggested partisans.
It could just as well be used for some special forces.
Or mines (no one can see them before they "attack" the ground where the mines are placed/moved to. Giving them very-very high defense point combined with the nukes flag "SINGLE_USE" would make a very fine minefield. You could even limit the range by the fuel-flag (remember NOT to use the "no-fuel-then-crash" flag).
Edit..... Hey, now we need miners too to decect mines. And they have to be defended by units using active airdefense - else the miners are killed......
Now. Where to stop......... You could easily go on.
By the way - the flag is visibility_class_7 not something with group.First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
Mines are a cool idea, I think. Would require playtesting to be sure, though. Getting the production & maintainance prices right would be tough.
However, miners *lay* mines. To detect mines you use sappers (on land) or mine sweepers (in the sea, or in space). Now that I mention space, mines there would certainly be handy for bugging space bombers, and also space planes. I've already got 153 units in this scenario - implementing mines could easily increase that to more like 200.
What do you mean by 'something with group'?
Some pretty cool ideas here. However, we had similar ideas years ago but never got around to implementing them for one reason: how is the AI gonna deal with it? Maybe it can be fixed since we, or rather you, now have more knowledge of the AI than we had a few years ago, but I for one wouldn't know how...
No, you'll never get the AI to implement it. As BirdMan said, it'd be a mod for MP & PBEM only. The trouble is, this causes new problems since each player must have the exact same version of the mod, installed it the same directory under scenarios, etc.
In my mod, any AI player trying to take a turn not only fails to use the new things but also crashes the game. Thus I was forced to remove barbarians and some other stuff.
Strictly humans only is the only way forward - I just wish I was able to play online games so that I could persuade some people to help me playtest, but the darned University doesn't like us doing that.
Hey John email the uni's setup info, not passwords and such just what they use. I may be able to get you a work around for it :0)“The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
Or do we?
Ah, well, I could probably get away with it - I think the only things they really care about are Napster and its offshoots, but the main problem is that I have a big authority guilt complex so it's difficult to do things I know I shouldn't be doing even if I know I'll not be found out. Besides, if I started playing online I probably wouldn't get enough work done, so it's a good thing really. Even now the holidays have started I've got tons of vac work to do.
But now I'm getting seriously off topic...
I've been playing around and it's better than I ever dared guess - there are in fact THREE visibility classes which were not implemented in CTP by default but can in fact be used - that's classes 6, 7, and 8. I'm rather surprised by that since it means there are 9 classes (0 up to 8) which is a peculiar number, but I'm not complaining.
I've now taken advantage of these to improve my mod. Thanks for reminding me about it.