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  • Originally posted by donadavs


    I haven't tested it yet, but the assistance in and of itself deserves the thanks!

    I gave up on activision... although they did help with another problem...

    anyways, I'll let you know how it works when I can.

    Thanks again
    Thats what we are here for

    when your ready might wanna try PBEM (Play by Email)

    pretty decent

    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • Just to say to everybody, as I said in here, I'm unable to play any PBEM for now, as I have problems in starting CtP up. I'm trying to fix problem, and I'll be happy for any solutions you guys could come up with.
      The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
      - Chuck Norris Facts


      • Yo playaz, we have another vacant spot in the seven player Civilized World game. Need someone to fill in for TheBirdMan (an accomplished player--so your position in the game is sure to be stellar . . .). A link to the game thread:

        You'll be filling in for the Mongols. Post on the thread ASAP and we'll send a turn your way. First come, first serve.


        • The above open spot has been filled. Thanks Milamber.


          • Hi there,

            Thanks grampa, worked like a charm.

            unfirtunately my girlfriend can't join my games, nor can I join hers, but I'll blame that on her junky modem.



            • Ok . . . we have another spot to fill in a multiplayer game. The "peaceful noodle game" has six human players and two AI. You would be taking the place of checkmate--currently in second place on the power graph. However, he's been 'nexted' the last three or four turns so things might be a little bit of a mess. Please go to the following thread and post there if you are interested in taking over the spot. First come, first serve!

              The list of players, settings, etc. can be found on the first page of the thread.


              • Hi guys,

                I have been unable to connect to the Internet during the last week. My router/modem got fried after a power failure.

                After almost a week it was finally replaced

                Will play all of my turns today.

