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How do I protect my cities?

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  • How do I protect my cities?

    First off, let me explain that I am a relative newbie to the game. I am wondering what to do about stuff like clerics converting my cities. I see a little box with a religous symbol about my city, and I cannot get rid of it. Eventually the city revolts. I had the same type of problem later in the game as well, I kept getting sued and having corporations steal my production. It got to the point that I could not build any new units and had to watch the slow, painful death of my civ, which was far greater than the computer civs were when all this started. How do I defend against this? For that matter, how can I do the same to other civs?


  • #2
    City wall aure susefull against clerics and slaver during middle age. "Gutenberg Bible" wonder protect you against conversion.

    Later use lawyers to spot coporate, tele-evangelist and other lawyers. Lawyers could "destroy" those units by a trial.

    Use spy to detect other units like spy, eco-rangers ...
    Spy could protect a city too, by increasing the difficulty of action of the non-conventional units.
    Zobo Ze Warrior
    Your brain is your worst enemy!


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply. So If I have one of these units in my city. Say later in the game I have a spy and a lawyer in my city, it should be relatively well defended against the non-military attacks?


      • #4
        Spy will simply lower the chance of success of your foe.
        But the both unit together will spot all non conventional units.
        But be carefull they can act before you spot them.

        There is no total protection ! I advise you to put several spy to watch your border and have a chance to spot invisible units before they reach your cities.

        Edit : Lawyer could destroyed in a city any firm implanted by a corporate.
        Zobo Ze Warrior
        Your brain is your worst enemy!


        • #5
          Thanks a lot! I am going to try your tips now and see how I do.



          • #6
            I don't understand this. I was at the point where I had just learned Industrial revolution. I was working on getting some spies, though I admit I had not gotten any Lawyers yet. In one turn I am fine, all my cities are doing well. I press the end button and in the next turn, 4 of my cities switch to barbarians, the rest are rioting and will switch if I continue. There must be something I am missing here, anyone have an idea?


            • #7
              It sounds like your enemy is useing a good cleric strategy. Clerics can soothsay which reduces your unhappiness by 5. if several use this attack at the same time your in trouble. The attack only lasts for 1 turn but due to the unhappiness it causes can be devastating. I build a temple early on in any new city. This gives a little protection against riots etc.

              Only theocracies can build clerics, so use your inteligence screen to see which civs have that government. This will give you an idea where they will be comming from.

              If you build a road the AI will use it. So put your own diplomat,slaver or cleric on that road and you will see his comming. His can be booted back to his nearest city or destroyed only by military units.

              Keep a check on your individual cities happiness. As theocracies are good for gold income, I raise everybodies wages which does wonders for happiness.


              • #8
                What is your gold level? What government are you using? Where are your sliders setting? Have you looked at the screens option/civ? whats your gold surplus? Hint: to increase gold use trade.(this is a must)
                The C:CTP MASTER.....

