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Making Diplomacy work better

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  • Making Diplomacy work better

    Is it just me, or is the whole Diplomacy aspect to CTP a bit of a waste of time? Computer never seems prepared to trade advances or maps in a way that makes it worth the time (even when you are being generous).

    I have heard stories from people that tell me they have discovered ways to glean more from Diplomacy (like put a stack of 9 high tech units next to an opponent city and then demand advances) but I can't seem to get that to work either.

    I have found no practical use for Diplomacy other than a bit of map exchanging (which is like pulling teeth anyway).


  • #2
    I have had the most success with diplomacy (both advances and maps) when the other civilization was very happy with me (the heart icon). Other than that, I agree it is like pulling teeth. The AI also seems to be particular about which advance they will trade. It works enough for me that I still bother with it, but I don't count on anything coming of it.
    Are you ready for the tomorrow that will never come? We will all have one.

    Hebrews 9:27


    • #3
      My experience has shown that if you shower a target nation with gifts, either a lot of gold or techs, then they will be more willing to trade techs with you. It also helps to have a treaty of some sort with them.
      signature not visible until patch comes out.


      • #4
        I only bother to trade maps or advances when the AI like me (or better -- happy face or better). If they're neutral or lower, a "shower of gifts" is the only way to get them to like you enough (and even then they have to rise to "happy with you") to make a treaty or a trade.

        Although, they do seem somewhat more willing to buy and sell trade goods from you.
        I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. -- Galations 2:20 (paraphrase)


        • #5
          Usually the AIs all dash to purchase my goods, even if they're not for sale. It might be because I tend to be talkative in diplomacy. However, I hate selling my goods. You can't tax the export income for science, and unless my income brings science, I don't care about it.

          I offer to trade advances all the time. Gradually the AI gets to like me. Here's a tip for getting money: when the AI has one city left, it will give you any amount of gold you demand (provided it has that much gold).
          Truth is not negotiable.


          • #6
            Well, the AI hates exchanging techs, but you only have to have a happy face from them to share maps

            as for trade, right: never give AI any goods that r not for sale. I like to rip them off on leftover goods I have because theyll buy it anyway.. they probably have a huge monopoly on it anyway.


            • #7
              I could never get the AI to buy my good for more than 30 gold. Are you saying if they want it bad enough, they might buy it for 70? That would be steep . . .
              I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. -- Galations 2:20 (paraphrase)

