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city anihilation

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  • city anihilation

    Is there a chance to destroy my own city immediately (for example a conquered one), if I don't need it for some reason?

    So far I always had to wait until the city eats all the store (I allocated all labor to non-food professions) and starts to die off. Then I disbanded the city when it went down to size of 3. I the meantime I sold all improvements.

  • #2
    Nop...I don't think it's possible.

    You can try to build settler to increase the city disbanding though.
    Zobo Ze Warrior
    Your brain is your worst enemy!


    • #3
      You select the city on the city screen and press disband (Which is a button on the city screen). The city in question will disband and a settler will appear in its place which willl be unable to move this turn. You can't disband your last city.


      • #4
        Since the city suffers from Conquest Distress, and if it's large enough, you could sell off all Happiness improvements and remove all Entertainers and try to start a Revolt that way. If your keeper cities are prepared, you could even move your national sliders to make them all more angry. If the city revolts, you can attack it again for free (no defences in the city). Since (I think), the city loses one population when it is conquered, you could knock off one pop per turn this way.

        Even if the city only riots, they still will not collect any food. Much more quickly depleting their stores.
        I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. -- Galations 2:20 (paraphrase)


        • #5
          All those riots and revolts won't help your civ score any.


          • #6
            Originally posted by J Bytheway
            You select the city on the city screen and press disband (Which is a button on the city screen). The city in question will disband and a settler will appear in its place which willl be unable to move this turn. You can't disband your last city.
            Yes only if your city a a size of 3 or less.
            Zobo Ze Warrior
            Your brain is your worst enemy!


            • #7
              Whoops - forgot about that rule . I increased this to 6 in my scenario - and considered increasing it to some huge number like 10000 so you wouldn't have this worry...


              • #8
                I do not see a reason for large city disband unless it overlaps with other cities badly.
                Therefore I always grow them, whats better?


                • #9
                  There are at least two reasons why you'd want to disband a captured city:

                  • The lesser reason: it might be tactically disadvantageous for you to leave a worthless base in enemy territory. The enemy could Spy it for science advances, or recapture it and stock it with defenders to halt your conquest and/or reinforcements.
                  • The real reason: the max-cities threshold! If you're capturing enemy cities by the dozen, you don't want them causing unhappiness when you exceed the 120 cities you can support under VDem (or 110, or 100, or less...).


                  • #10
                    LOL never had that many cities! but i guess thats cos I never played GIG maps with my old PC, now I got the new one and Ill try

                    The only problem: my fifty cities are all beyond size 15. usually the ones 15 will be 20 in no time, so If you capture THAT many cities, u must be at war with everyone
                    yeah I capture about 10-15 cities when I go to war but then I back off cos I dont wanna bother transporting my troops to the next island, so I never capture too many.

                    and the tactical thing isnt a problem. I always bring a whiole lot of unit stacks near the city that I captured on another island...


                    • #11
                      Of course, once you have about 125 cities, any more you conquer are likely to revolt immediately, unless you have a few happiness wonders. Generally its pretty impossible to exceed 130 cities, and if you do get that many with contraception then try to avoid Alien Archaeology for as long as possible...

                      Play a gigantic max islands max water map and you'll almost certainly exceed the VD limit (unless you win with ships of the line or eco-rangers for rather different reasons).


                      • #12
                        You may disband a city for two more reason.

                        1) You bump into a ruins who transforms in a city in the middle of a desert without goods.
                        2) You capture a IA city build in the middle of a swamp area (some time IA is a real jerk when he choose his city location).
                        Zobo Ze Warrior
                        Your brain is your worst enemy!


                        • #13
                          about the 2 other reasons: ruins is correct, but thats a small city, I was talking about cities over size 10
                          about the swamp city: it doesnt take all that much to just terraform the whole city radius. if the city is big enough, It would save you more to terraform it.


                          • #14
                            If the city's in the middle of a swamp, chances are it's not very large in the first place.

                            If you need to kill a large enemy city, just bombard it down to size 4 or less before you capture it. When you capture it, it'll be knocked down to 3 or less, and you can disband it.


                            • #15
                              I disband all cities that I can (3 and below) and play with 16 civs on a huge map. The reason for this is that my government can accomodate 75 cities, and each city above that is -1 point. I never switch out of my government for several reasons. First, have you ever heard of, say, a king becoming a president? Second, my government is very efficient in production and happiness from martial law.
                              The maximum I can accomodate is 100 cities, which is -25 points. Larger cities are easier to influence, since you can throw all the population into entertainers. In small cities, you can't do that, and their production is too low to build happiness improvements in time. Besides, they're usually in rough terrain like swamps or, even worse, mountains. When they revolt, it will take turns and turns to reach them.
                              After I implemented the policy of disbanding all small cities, the number of revolts in my empire decreased drastically.

                              (Oh, you have no idea what sort of revolts I have to handle! Almost half my empire revolts several times. Minor revolts are frequent.)
                              Truth is not negotiable.

