Does anyone know of a tool that can be used to uncompress the game's .spr files into the individual .tga files so that they can be edited? Reason for this being that I want to create upgrades of normal units, with slight modifications, that and completely different units with similar graphics.
The idea came when I read a sample of editing the SLIC stuff, and someone had put a bit of code that would build a nuke in each city when the Sphinx was built. So I thought about making "wonder" units, such as the Titanic, the Bismark, Sputnik, etc., that would have special abilities that would make them stand out over other units of the same type. (i.e. the Titanic would be a troop ship that could carry twice as many units, etc.). But I wanted there to be some kind of graphical difference. Also, I wanted to edit attack animations of units to bring the scenario more in the sci-fi realm. At a certain point, the technology of Lasers comes up, and with that you can advance to laser rifles. I wanted to modify Marines or Paratroops with laser rifle attacks, as well as create machine gunners that were wearing standard olive green as opposed to white.
So...any ideas, other than pressing "print screen" for each frame of animation? [I've done that for another project, because I didn't have a program that could convert animated .gifs into a series of bitmaps.]
The idea came when I read a sample of editing the SLIC stuff, and someone had put a bit of code that would build a nuke in each city when the Sphinx was built. So I thought about making "wonder" units, such as the Titanic, the Bismark, Sputnik, etc., that would have special abilities that would make them stand out over other units of the same type. (i.e. the Titanic would be a troop ship that could carry twice as many units, etc.). But I wanted there to be some kind of graphical difference. Also, I wanted to edit attack animations of units to bring the scenario more in the sci-fi realm. At a certain point, the technology of Lasers comes up, and with that you can advance to laser rifles. I wanted to modify Marines or Paratroops with laser rifle attacks, as well as create machine gunners that were wearing standard olive green as opposed to white.
So...any ideas, other than pressing "print screen" for each frame of animation? [I've done that for another project, because I didn't have a program that could convert animated .gifs into a series of bitmaps.]