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  • Terrain

    Hey Civ fans,
    I visit Apolyton forums for quite a time already, but that's the first time I ask question.
    I've got a copy of CtP (which I sought for a long time), but ... every time I start my terrain consits but of swamps, hills, mountains, deserts and tundra. I never saw plains or forests or grassland. Has anybody ran across such problem? Any suggestions how to solve it?

    Also, how to load a map or start game on a premade map?
    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    If you do the coldest, driest possible map you get quite a lot of forest & plains. It also depends on how much ocean you have (on max ocean you get only hills & mountains, usually - maybe a single square of something else).

    The easiest way to use premade maps is to make them into a scenario. See the readme for info on how to do this, but basically you load the game, and then save as scenario with the cheat dialog, then copy this saved game into the scenario directory structure with a few appropriate text files.


    • #3
      Thanks for the advice,
      but it seems I've got a cracked game - with coldest/driest/max land it gave me tundra+hills+mountains. I'm afraid I'll have to look for another copy of the game. More than that I couldn't find start scenario option in the menu.
      Anyway thanks.

